Chapter 6

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Naomi puts me in the chair and the headmaster storms in, he was watching the whole thing from the third floor.

He sits down and looks deeply at me, as if my eyes are the deepest canyon on a desert planet.

"What happened?" He asked, clearly not understanding anything in the slightest.

"Sir- I couldn't tell you. I was about to lose when I crossed my hands to shield myself. I was really upset. Plus, I was- am," I corrected "in a lot of pain."

"The only way you could've summoned that much magic out of nowhere is if you are from a magical bloodline. Or if you are secretly a boy seeker from Tarot. In which case, we would have to move you. But I'm almost positive you aren't the ladder."

"I really have no clue what I am." I start.

"Well for starters you aren't from 116. That I know for sure. Where are you really from? And don't lie."

"Kalokairi" I say hesitantly.

He frowns.
"Well, that explains it." He tosses his hands up in the air and they flip down onto his desk.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Nothings wrong with you dear." Naomi starts. "You know that boys who go to Tarot can, on special occasion summon that much magic. Because the magical bloodlines date back to the gods. Someone back in the day sired a demi-god and from then on the boys can access magic easier, quicker, and don't need external items. But Kalokairians in the past have been famous from their relations with gods, the strongest Seekers always came out of Kalokairi. You know someone was a Kalokairian seeker when they used magic because it was so strong their eyes would turn the colour of their magic. That is until their bloodlines were wiped out. Your eyes were bright purple up until about two minutes ago. Do you know the fables about female seekers?"

"Not really, my aunt doesn't like fairytales."

"I assure you, they are real. Female Seekers were always more powerful than male seekers in ancient times. One day, one of the gods sired a son, a seeker, and that son earned a single wish from a god, he wished he'd be the strongest seeker ever. Set, being a jealous god, granted that wish, and stripped magic from anyone who might over power him. All female seekers  grasped magic like a phantom limb, especially female seekers from Kalokairi, and suddenly that limb failed to answer to them anymore. But few women still wield magic the same way. And now, you are one of them. Theres a reason female seekers lost their magic that day. They were always stronger than male seekers. But you were not born the day nor any day around it. Camari there will be people trying to kill you left and right out of this. I'm not saying that to scare you, but I am saying that to warn you."

"But why come out now?" I ask, slightly exited but primarily scared.

"My guess is, you were supposed to access your magic a lot earlier, it was probably pent up. When children go through things that are unbelievably traumatic they suppress their magic. That boy, Laurie. He must have forced it to emerge."

"Do you have any other abilities?" The headmaster asked.

I know I should mention my visions, but this is all too much. "No" I claim.

"Okay. You will remain here at Raechore, but we will bring in a teacher from Tarot to help you harness this magic of yours. And you must promise not to use it on students."

"I promise."

"Good-" the headmaster looked surprised for a second. "Her eyes are doing it again." He tells Naomi as if it's super weird and taboo.

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