Chapter 4

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Author's note: Some planets, still speak languages of it's ancestors. Like French, or Russian.
P.S. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I'll answer to the best of my ability.

Saturday morning was the first test and I was insanely nervous. Raechore is big on the first tests, they believe they set the tone for the whole semester. They want to see us struggle, but push through, and you can't struggle if you're fighting someone unskilled. This is why, no matter what level you are, for the first tests, you always fight someone higher up than you. we are fighting the second years. I am fighting some second-year tomorrow, and they are expecting me to be able to produce sparks. They have us training like circus animals, every morning we stretch and run at least two miles. Running is my least favorite thing to do, ever since I was a kid running has been something I hated.

After that we have combat training, then weaponry magic, then we are expected to freely go to the gym for two hours before our educational classes.

Educational classes are hard, but I've always liked school so it's fun for me.

We learn about politics and the economy, the basics. But we are only allowed two educational classes a semester.

I hadn't seen mystery boy since the first day, I hadn't produced any magic since then either. I guess I'm just shaken up, plus, all my muscles feel like jelly 24/7.

"Now swing in a circular motion upward and strike. If you pull and strike hard enough, producing sparks, the hit should burn your opponent." Naomi explained.

I swing upward in a circular motion and yank downward hard and fast. No sparks.

"Camari! Again? Are you not practicing?" Naomi questions loudly in front of the class.

"I am!" I argue, louder than I hoped.

Naomi signals for me to step up on the platform.

She points toward Rain. Rain looks at me sympathetically and steps up onto the platform.



"Please strike Camari with your sparks." Naomi instructs as if she's ordering food from a canteen.

Rain is the best in the class. Surprisingly, she doesn't actually like violence, but she's an heir, and she's only in Raechore because of her status. Meaning, she has no interest in a military position or spy position. I actually admire her, she's so peaceful.

"Alright." She looks at me apologetically.

She does the move and strikes my shoulder.

the staff burns a hole through my thin T-shirt.

My skin flares with red and purple marks. I curse in agony and fight to keep from falling to the floor from the burning pain.

"Jeez Rain." A boy on the ground says.

"You want me to give you some sanata?" Naomi asks.
(Sanata being healing cream technology)

"Obviously," I say, my voice boiling over with pain.

"Produce sparks." She says slowly.

I clench my jaw and hold my staff up swinging it upward at a bone-crushing speed. Nothing happens. I repeat these actions to no end.

"If you can produce one spark I'll give it to you." Naomi compromises. 

After countless nerve-racking tries, nothing came. Naomi forced me to do 50 push-ups before she let me see the medic.
It was probably the third worst pain I have ever been in. Besides my rough landing on 116.

I sit in the canteen, lunch in front of me, lifelessly staring at my stew.

My roommates together walk into the canteen with their lunches and immediately sit at my table.

"Camari, I'm so sorry!" Rain says.

"It's okay, the medic said magical wounds like this are easy to heal and should be gon by tomorrow." I say still staring into the abyss in my bowl.

"Are you okay? We're pretty worried about you, ever since the first day your magic has been nonexistent." Aisha asks.

"I'm okay, I think I just need to focus, I haven't really been able to since the first day. Will one of y'all mind ditching classes today to help me train for the test tomorrow?" I ask.

"I'm down," Aisha says. We all looked at her.
"I also need to get some extra hours in."

"Okay, so after this, wanna meet on the quad for magic combat?"

"Let's do it."

I walk onto the quad in my new, not burned fire-resistant exercise clothes, staff in hand.

Aisha stands on a fighting platform, practicing a hook kick. I removed my shoes and stepped onto the platform. *whoosh!* Aisha slips her staff under my ankles and I collapse on the floor.

my ankles burn from the sparks she's produced.

I prop myself up on my knees and rest there.

"What the hell?" I ask expectedly.

"Let's start with that move." she smiled innocently.

We mercilessly practice the move for half an hour. And then Aisha instructs me to sit down and close my eyes. I know what we are doing, we're using meditation to tap into my magic energy.

I close my eyes and begin to clear my head of thought. I imagine that beam again, connecting to a source of magic, somewhere in the universe. I imagine completely breaking the barrier of the magic dimension, and casting magic freely about with my staff. I am so heavily focused, that I don't even realize, another half hour had passes.

"One last fight?" Aisha asks, breaking my focus.

I stand and ready myself.

She swings her staff quickly toward my ankles.

I block it and swing my staff upward.

I twist and hit her staff out of her hand. At first, she winced from the pain, but then she smiles, and high five.

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