Chapter 5

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I sit on the grass as Aisha gets up onto the platform in the courtyard. During Tests every student must be present, so I looked around for him, but he wasn't there.

First round begins and Aisha attacks.

The girl she's fighting is ruthless. She forms a firewall and Aisha's toes get torched.

"Shit" I say, astonished. Aisha screams curses.

"Keep fighting!" Rick calls toward Aisha. The girl springs from the firewall and kicks Aisha to the ground.

The round is over.

"Will someone get some bandages and sanata?" Rick calls.

I get up and run towards the medic's office.
I get what I need, I turn the corner to to go back to the courtyard. *slam!* I hardly bump into someone, as we were both rushing around the corner.

Then I audibly gasp.

It's mystery boy.

He furrows his brows at me and says softly says something. "pourquoi me regardes tu encore?"

"I don't understand." I say awkwardly.

He breaths slowly and says in a very soft voice: "Why are staring at me again with such—surprise?"

"Oh! Uhm, I'm sorry. I- er- I-" I stumble over my words, because of the way he looks at me.

"You're the girl with purple sparks?" He asks.


"What's your name?" He asks.


"Curious." He says looking at me a with such intensity that you'd think I was the most interesting thing he's ever seen.

Then, the fact that I have to help my friend kicks in, and I run off to give Aisha the supplies.

I can't take my mind off him. Not when Aisha ties with the second year, not when Rain beats a second year, not even when my name is called and I stand on the platform in front of hundreds of students.

"Camari fighting. . . Laurence— Oh, sorry Laurie," Rick says pointing his gaze towards a boy. "Just Laurie" he calls out.

My heart nearly runs out of the room, as Laurie registers as mystery vision boy.

He stands up on the platform and twists his staff around, not intentionally showing off. Naomi walks over to me.

"The gods punish you today, Laurie is probably the best fighter. Attack quick, you might get the first round with the element of surprise."

I stand tall, even though I was only able to perform magic my first day, even though hundreds of students stare at me, even though I know they all are internally making fun of the first year, who can barely summon sparks fighting arguably the most skilled second year!
My stomach does a somersault.
"I'm fucked." I mumble to myself.

"Whenever you're ready" Laurie says in a low reserved voice, readying himself.

Out of nowhere, I vault toward him, grabbing my staff and almost sweeping off his feet.

He jumps, and I stand and attempt to kick his jaw, but mess up my aim and bloody his upper lip.

"Blood drawn!" Rick said. And I use the distraction to actually sweep him off his feet.

He lands on his back.

I get the first point. Naomi said I would, but now I was more scared than ever.

He stood up, saying nothing. Only wiping the small amount of blood from his lip, and readying himself again.

"Begin." Rick calls. 

He swings his staff forward and knocks my brow leaving a nasty cut.

I jump toward him, but he only kicks me in the stomach, pushing me back at a distance.

He vaults forward elbowing my solar plexus and pushing me off the platform and onto the ground. I do a safety roll and stand back up. My stomach hurts from the kick and a single tear runs down my face. I'm terrified. Everyone is watching me, waiting for me to tap out, or lose. All I wanna do is leave. But at the same time anger flourishes. I feel it tingle in my chest, on my arms.

I look up at Laurie as I get up on the platform.

He spins his staff and strikes at nothing. And then, as if I couldn't get more horrified. Black sparks shoot from his staff.

He is the one, the one who can summon black sparks.

I wince, and stand on the platform.

"Begin." Rick says.

He hits my hand and I drop my staff. Then he swings his staff at my ribs on the other side, hard. He repeats this move and I fall to my knees.

Finally, he delivers the winning blow. In a circular motion, he swung his staff up with two hands and down aiming for me.

In a last line of defence, I throw my elbows up, crossing each other in an X.

But the hit doesn't come. The hit is not coming I suddenly realize. Because as if out of a film, a crystal-like blue force pushes Laurie backwards. For a second he floats, in the air. But then I separate my elbows, extending both arms at the same time. Laurie flies backwards again, his back slamming into the ground.

The blue fades, but before it does I stare in awe at it

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The blue fades, but before it does I stare in awe at it. It is shimmering, tinged with lavender purple. The same colour of my sparks. I reach my hand out and touch it. It feels like my hand is in water but not wet, instead of wet the energy is cool and refreshing. Glittery sequin matter floats about as if independent on gravity. From the magic dimension.
Everyone looks at me in fear. I walk to the end of the platform, not fully understanding what happened. I looked down at Laurie. He looked surprised, but not scared.

"Are you okay?" He asks, clearly winded from his fall.

Before I can answer, Naomi has me scooped up and yanking me along to the headmasters office.
As I'm being pulled away I lock eyes with Laurie, he doesn't look scared like everyone else, just. . . curious. His eyes make me grin slightly when I know he's not looking, then I remind myself that I just made him fly across the room with magic that I didn't even know I had. He slowly wipes his bloody lip with a tissue and then looks back at me.

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