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You don't NEED to read this but I recommend it. It helps with understanding Tommy trough out the story

Third person POV
Tommy was walking to Techno's like he does normally every single day to remind himself of the betrayal he had committed. He hid behind his usual trees and slowly looked towards the house. Tho he was close enough to hear Techno and a familiar voice speaking. He couldn't quite put his finger on it tho.

"So...Are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Technoblade.

"Yes, the egg has been on the server FAR too long." He suddenly realized, PUFFY! He put an ear out to hear more.

"I get that but, the syndicate is a big thing." The syndicate?

"I don't care. I hear the anarchy calling me." A-ANARCHY!? As Tommy heard that he couldn't help but draw his first cut of the day, with the blade he had took out of his bag a couple of minutes ago. He covered his mouth to silence himself from screaming out of (mental) pain. He stayed there for a couple of minutes listening and got information.

The syndicate was too stop any government from gaining too much power. A few other members were Phil, Niki and Techno as the "recruiter" (I did not forget Ranboo, Tommy just didn't hear him). But then he heard a voice say. "I smell blood!" Techno said. Tommy ran away as quickly as possible and thankfully was not found.

Techno POV
"I smell blood!" I say very suddenly realizing that smell in the air. "What!?" Puffy said confused. "Take à deep breath Puffy." I say. "Y-your right." Puffy basically whispered. We follow the smell and arrive at the trees AGAIN! We see spots of blood on the snow. I shrugged "This is the third time this week." I say while looking at the blood spots. But then I realize something. "FOOTPRINTS!" I say and start to follow them running.

I could hear Puffy following me. The trailed was covered with blood dots. After a while the blood spots just stopped even tho the foot steps continued. I go trough my nether portal and I see a figure running going trough the main portal but, I can't quite tell the person. I go to the portal quickly but, when I arrive nobody was there. Puffy appeared after a couple of seconds and helped me look around. We the saw Tommy walking on the prime path towards his house.

I grab Puffy's wrist and pull her with me to where I saw Tommy. We joined him and I say. "Tommy! Stop walking."

Tommy's POV
I was walking to my house pretending nothing ever happened. Then I heard the most least helpful thing right then and there. "Tommy! Stop walking." I turn my head slowly around knowing that God-damn voice. "O-oh uh hey Puffy...and T-Technoblade." I say with a trembling voice. "Do you need anything?" "Have you seen anybody come out of the portal!"
He says. I immediately know what he's talking about. I come up with the best lie I could. "Um, w-well I did bumb into somebody but I didn't see them because they ran away too fast."

"Tommy? Could we speak for a moment." Puffy says. I was not ready to hear those words, and even less ready to face her. "W-well I would love to but... I need to go home and...Feed spider Shroug?" PET SPIDER!? I mentally slap my forehead. "It's just that it's important..." Puffy says. "U-uh I know but Shroug can't wait, I'm sorry." "Tommy ple-" but before she could finish her sentence I was already running away to my house.

After that I gave up on my therapy sessions and barely came out of the house, the only time I would come out were for two reasons. Ressources or for being in the sun and getting my vitamin D.

If I lose motivation then I will de-publish the story. Not fully erase it but just de-publish it so that if i get the inspiration again I can start writing again.

A shoulder to cry on| Tomboo (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now