The cuts

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I forgot to mention that right now Tommy still doesn't have Shroug.
That will come later in the story. (Also there might be some other ships)

Ranboob POV
"T-Tommy?" I say confused and sad as I look at the scars. "W-what..!" Tommy says with a voice that's trying to sound tough but, I can hear a slight tremble. "What do you mean, 'what?' You have fucking cuts all over you arms!" "It's...nothing." Being mad I snap. "TOMATHY STOP IT, TELL ME WHATS GOING ON!" I realize almost instantly what I said and I covered my mouth.

I saw a small tear run down his eyes before he started to sprint away. "T-TOMMY WAIT! I-i I'm so sorry..." I mumble out. I had started feeling a bit weird around Tommy lately. I blush a bit when I see him (for him when he blushes he becomes purple) I get butterflies in my stomach when he does kinda cute things. Just thinking about that time I accidentally saw him trough his window wearing cat ears and doing the 'Nya' trend gets me blushing.

The problem was, I started developing feelings for Tommy a couples of months ago, BEFORE me and Tubbo separated.

Tommy POV
"T-Tommy?" Ranboo said. I could barely look him in the eyes. Trying to ignore the cuts I respond with. "W-what!?" Trying to sound tough but failing miserably. I finally gain courage to make a bit of eye contact. I look him in the eyes and see, confusion and sadness. "What do you mean 'what..!' You have fucking cuts all over your arms!" Ranboo...Swore!? I look at him shook. He doesn't seem to notice out of all the anger that he had in him. "It's...nothing." I say trying to sound normal.

Suddenly I his green eye go fully purple and then words spew out of him that shook me to the bones. "TOMATHY STOP IT, TELL ME WHATS GOING ON!" His eye suddenly turned back to green. It looked like that wasn't what he meant to say but, I was already hurt to the core. I felt a tear coming down my eyes as my mind came back to me. I started sprinting away back to my house, ignoring every single noise or movement.

I was full on crying when I got back home, it felt like a knife had cut threw my heart. I had been feeling a bit weird around Ranboo now a days. When I was around him I felt... Happy... I know it sounds dumb but right now, me feeling happy was a big deal. I felt like so light weighted when I was around him. I don't feel anything bigger than a really good friendship. But he's so cu- I-I MEAN NO! HES A STUPID ASSHOLE THAT STOLE YOUR BEST FRIEND. Plus, even if I did, he's platonically married to...Tubbo.

Even tho they were acting kinda distant these days.

Techno POV
It had been three days since the incident and I was confused. I NEEDED to ask Puffy what was the deal with Tommy. Why he refused to talk to her, and why she wanted to talk to him. I got up from my couch in the living room, not being able to wait another second. I arrived at her house and knocked.

"Technoblade! Come in!" I went inside and took of my boots. "Please sit down and make yourself at home." She said. From the smell in the air she was cooking. I sat down and thought about how I was going to start the conversation but before I could say anything she started it herself. "What brings you here?" "I have a couple of questions about someone..." "Who?" She asked. "Tommy..." "T-Tommy!?" "Yes, Tommy..." "O-oh um, ok? What kind of questions?" "Um...the you remember three days ago?" Her eyes widen. "Y-yes...Why?" "Well why did you want to talk to him?" I asked.

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