Why, Rain! Why!?

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Techno POV
'Tommy cuts himself'

That phrase wouldn't leave my head. I pretended not to care, which I'm really good at, but...this? This was way harder then usual. For pretty obvious reasons. I wanted to go up to Tommy and ask him straight up, but, obviously I couldn't do that. I don't know how I will concentrate on the meeting. I think to myself as I get closer and closer to my house.

"Hey Techno!" I hear Phil say. That brings me out of my thoughts. "Yea Phil?" "Should we talk about other things then the marriage, or JUST the marriage." "The marriage will be the main concern, but we also shall talk about Las Nevada's and Kinoko Kingdom." "Are you ok? You seem a bit down..." "Oh no I'm fine, just... deep in thought." "Uh-huh, when your ready to tell me, the truth come tell me." But before I could protest he went back tho his house. Tommy, you poor boy...

Ranboo POV
I'm so excited to see Tommy! I think while running trough the Nether. I do a bit of parkour to escape lava and arrive in front of the big Nether portal. I go trough it and run over to Tommy's house. While I run I can feel the air with slight humidity. I can feel the smell of flowers of all type wiggle in my nose. I'm excited to see Tommy, but less excited to know it's gonna rain.

Gosh darn-it! I'm half enderman. Well I still have to go apologize to Tommy. At least I'm wearing armour. I get to Tommy's and knock. "Tommy can I come in?" A slightly confused Tommy opens the door. Then it turns to shock. "Ranboo! Get inside your gonna burn!" He grabs my wrist and pulls me inside. He then closes the door gently and turns to me. "What are you doing here?" "I came here to apologize..." "Ranboo, it's ok. I was just being a crybaby." "What! Don't say that ever again. And Tommy, it's not ok." "No Ranboo-" "Tommy I don't want to hear it. Now Tommy, I'm deeply sorry. I didn't mean to scream at you, I was just stress and shocked about...well, you know. I was thinking I could repay you with a picnic tomorrow?" "Ranboo it's fin-" "Tommy I insist." "Ok, if you really want me to come."

"Thank you Tommy!" I then go to step out. I then feel a hand around my wrist again. "And where the you think your going?" "Umm, back home?" "Have you seen the weather!? Your not going anywhere, DONT INSIST!" "...fine..." I need to go to the anarchy meeting but he won't let me! Well guess i need to stay until he's asleep and then I can go... I get brought out of my thought by Tommy.

"Ranboo?" "Yea?" "Can you go get some carrots from the underground farm, I'm making stew!" "Sure." I then get up and go to get carrots. I should choose the biggest. I pick five big orange vegetables. I grab a bucket and put the dirty carrots inside. I then go to a sink right beside the underground farm and clean the carrots. I then clean the bucket and put the carrots in it. I then go upstairs. I smell something delicious! Since when does Tommy know how to cook? I put the carrots right beside him. "Thanks boo." I chuckle at the name and my cheeks get slightly purple (his version of blushing).

I then look attentively at Tommy and his every move. He starts to peel the carrots and cut them. He care fully drops them, in the soup, but he didn't use every carrot. He used about three. He then goes over to the fridge and pulls out a rabbit carcass. It looks like a fresh body. He probably went to hunt today. He then starts to cut the rabbit slightly. He makes small, meat cubes and put them in another pot beside. He take the left overs and goes downstairs. I hear a slight growl witch catches my attention. Huh? He then comes back up and grabs a wooden spoon to mix the stew. He then proceeds to add the cooked rabbit. He mixes slightly again before turning off the fire. He pours two bowls and walks over.

"This is going to be the best stew you ever tasted!" "That's the Tommy I know!" He slightly chuckles and puts the two bowls on the table. I grab a spoon and taste. "This is delicious!" "Of course it is! I made it after all!" I chuckle and we then eat in a comfortable silence. When we were done Tommy grabbed the bowls and started cleaning them. "Hey Ranboo, take my bed tonight, I'll sleep on the couch." I'm shocked at Tommy's words. "What!? No of course not!" "I forced you to stay, sleep on the bed!" "...I have a proposition..?" "Ok, I'm listening." "Maybe...we could share the bed." He then turns around. "If your comfortable with it, then sure!" Tommy says.

*timeskip to when the house tours are done and it's time to go to bed*

Tommy was in his bathroom changing. I was sitting on the bed and waiting. "RANBOOB! THERES SOME CLOTHES FOR YOU ON THE DRAWERS! THERE WAY TO OVERSIZED FOR ME SO TRY THEM ON!" He yells out. I grab the pile of clothes and inspect it. It's exactly my size! Cool! I put it on quickly. Tommy then asks. "Are you changed?" "Yup, you can come out." He comes out and smiles. "Fits you perfectly!" I become slightly purple at the comment. "T-Thanks..." I get under the covers and Tommy joins me. We go back to back.

I hear light snoring after a bit. Time to go! I was about to stand up but, I then felt to arms around my waist. W-what!? I think shocked. I turn around and see an asleep Tommy get closer to me and put his head on my chest. I can't leave now! I sigh, but hug Tommy back. I was a purple mess.

Techno POV
I get to the anarchy meeting and see that almost all the other members were here. "Where's Ranboo?" I ask confused. "I don't know, I checked his house, there was nothing." Responds Phil "We can't talk about his marriage with out him!" Niki says. "I know I shouldn't say this but..." We all turn to Puffy. "Ranboo and Tubbo took couple counselling with me. They divorced about a month ago..." I give her a dumbfounded look. "...WHAT!?" Niki is the first to say. "Phil, how are you calm and not shocked!?" I ask confused. "Ranboo told me yesterday. He made me promise to not tell anyone, I can't break a promise!" "You know, maybe Ranboo is stuck. It's raining after all." Puffy points out.

"...Fine let's get to business." I respond.

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