4.) ,( i like the way you bleed)

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Rob was stressed as fuck. Hunched over his laptop as he tried to find a new job. Something, anything that could help them pay for ross's treatment. That was until he stumbled upon something.

'Human organ sale prices; up to 1 million dollars for a live human heart!'

Rob paused. Mouse hovering over the words as he re-read it again and again and again. He stared at it over and over. Reading every signal detail on the article that he found said information on.

He questioned it in his mind. Was it worth it? Was it safe? Would it work? How would he pull it off? To save their drummer, among one of his best friends, was it worth the lives of other people? Good people, bad people?

'Would it be worth it to trade some random person's life for ross's?'

His mind was fuzzy, focusing only on the info that was now sprung head first into him. He glanced at the paper to his right. Ross's medical report..and bill. 20k for his current treatment alone, and 800 dollars everyday he stayed there further. So far out of their budget it reached neptune. They could write a million songs, and not even scratch the surface of what they needed. Plus with their rent..that the dumbass joe had neglected to pay.

He slumped his non-existent shoulders, staying as awake as he could. Before he gave up and let his head fall face first into the growing pile of papers on his desk. Sighing.

He cracked an eye open, shifting his head to look at the blaring white lamp that kept his workspace illuminated.

He stood up. Looking to the pocket knife he kept in his desk drawer.

This could work.

He had a blank expression on his face as he crossed the sploch of blood where ross once lay. Going onward toward the exit of the band room.

He stumbled out into the cold night air, looking around the city, passing building by building by building. All alone, no witnesses.

He stumbled upon a long dark alleyway. A puff of smoke coming from deep within it. He walked in, seeing a crippled older looking man with a cigarette held to his mouth. Easy first target.

Rob took his chance, plunging his knife into their skull. It would all be worth it for ross.


396 words
mcnuggies never wrote this ending bit for this chapter so im (nes) writing it instead (even though they wrote this entire chapter)

𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 . ~ 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙡  𝙖𝙪 . ⛓🎥Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora