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The queen sat in her room, staring out the window, watching the moon and stars. The door creaked open and the queen sighed. Without turning around, she said, "Yes, Delilah, I know I should be in bed . I know I've just had a child, but I just cannot fall asleep!" When she didn't receive a reply, she turned around. "Delilah?" The queen trailed off. Standing in front of her was not her maid. Instead, it was a man with fiery golden eyes and jet black hair. "Lord Andrew? What-"

The man, moving more quickly than was humanly possible, was suddenly in front of her, putting a finger to her lips. Whispering in her ear, he said, "Let's just have fun for one night, shall we?"

The queen shook her head. "I will not betray my husband," she hissed. "Especially not with the likes of you."

"I will give you one final chance." he said.

"Never," she said, standing her ground.

Lord Andrew sighed, looking out the window into the dark night. "This could have been so much easier," he murmured. "You could have come with me willingly. You could have saved everyone here." His eyes started to glow. "Oh well. We can do this the hard way."

Lord Andrew turned to face the queen, his piercing golden eyes staring into her light grey ones, and she slowly backed away. "W-what are you doing?" she asked nervously.

He twirled a lock of the queen's golden hair. "Taking what is rightfully mine," he stated calmly and held a cloth under her nose.

The queen inhaled a sickly sweet scent, and everything went fuzzy. Within the minute, she was asleep. Gingerly, Lord Andrew picked her up. He created a ball of fire in his free hand, and threw it over his shoulder at her bed before vanishing into the silent darkness. Only a minute later, though, screams tore through what had been a serene night; screams of pain, terror, and misery.

Only few were lost that night. The rumor was that the queen had lit a candle, and in the misery of the king's departure and the commotion of having a child, had forgotten to put it out. Supposedly, she had fallen into a deep sleep, not realizing the air was being sucked away from her very blood. Rumor was that the baby had died in her arms, resting peacefully. Rumor was that the maids had seen the fire from their chambers and had gotten away just in time. Rumor was that a shadow had roamed the halls, but was devoured in the ashes.

But, rumors are rarely true. They spread like fire, extinguishing any truth that tries to escape.

* * *

So... @forever_writing_26 and I are having a cover contest... YAY!!!!!!! Make sure to check out Tides on her profile! It's mostly the same... different POV's tho... and they're in the same world and everything..... yeah....... :)


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