Chapter Four

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update!!! yay!!!


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I was lying under the covers of my bed, waiting for Dad to fall asleep. The moment I heard his light snores, I hopped out of bed and put on a black t-shirt and black jeans. I didn't want anyone seeing me sneak out to see Kevin, and if it looked as if I were in mourning, I would get sympathetic glances, but no one would stop me.

When I finally escaped the house, I stood still for a moment, closing my eyes. I took a breath of the cold air, then sprinted off towards the market, and with that, towards Kevin.

I arrived in the plaza and looked around. Where was he? A pair of eyes seemed to glow in front of me, the colors changing in every moment. I gasped, mesmerized. Something tapped my shoulder from behind, and I whirled around, stifling a scream when I realized it was Kevin. Worriedly, I peered over my shoulder. The glowing eyes were gone. They must have been a trick of the light.

"Hey, you okay?" Kevin asked.

I nodded. "Yeah," I said, not wanting to have to explain that I was seeing things.

"So..." Kevin started. "I know that I don't really know you that well, but... would you mind being my girlfriend? I really like you, and-"

Woah, that was abrupt. I cut him off there. "Kevin, you're a nice guy and all, but... I can't just be someone's girlfriend. I have to get to know the person first, and-"

This time, Kevin was the one to cut me off. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. I understand," he said, his face beet red.

A few moments passed with us both standing there awkwardly, time seeming to stretch forever. Kevin started to look embarrassed that he had been turned down by a common girl. "So, um, if you want, there's a job open at the aeris palace. There is an opening for a lady-in-waiting. I could pull some strings for you..."

I shook my head. "Thanks, but I'm doing fine at the inn." Another few moments passed, and I looked at the clock. It had been only twenty minutes. "Thanks again, but I have to leave."

Without waiting for Kevin's reply, I quickly turned around and walked briskly away, not daring to look back. Once I was out of his sight, I sprinted back home as fast as I possibly could. Damn. That was awkward. I thought to myself. There was a burst of heat from behind me, and I whirled around to see... nothing. There was nothing behind me. I turned around again, apprehensive about what I would see. There they were. The multi-colored eyes that looked like kaleidoscopes. I slapped my hand to my mouth to prevent the scream that I knew would come, and just like that, the eyes were gone like the morning sun.

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Hi everyone! Sorry, my chapters are really short right now... THEY'LL GET LONGER! I PROMISE! So, what do you all think of this story so far? I'd love feedback! If you are tired of waiting for updates, PLEASE check out Tides by @forever_writing_26! It's the counterpart to this book, and it's from the POV of Joshua, the aqua. Anyways, I really hope you liked this!

Until next time,

Sophie <3

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