Chapter Nine

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Hey everyone! I'm really sorry for the super long wait; we've both been really busy. As always, don't forget to like, comment, and check out the counterpart to this book! It's in Joshua's POV, and is written by forever_writing_26. The title of her book is Tides.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

-Sophie <3


Finally. I get to go back home and see my dad again. Now... where's the exit?

I saw the maid that I had first met when I walked into the castle and asked her.

"Oh, you didn't know?" she asked, a patronizing look on her face.

"Know what?" I replied.

"Sweetie," she started, putting her hands on her hips, "you're not allowed to leave."

My world stopped. "What?" I asked, not even wanting to know the truth.

"You're not allowed to go back home. It's the rule. You're only allowed to leave if an elemental accompanies you."

Oh shoot... "Um... where'd Kevin go, then?"

The maid looked at me, confused. "Kevin?"

"Yeah, Kevin... the ignus that was fighting Joshua?"

The maid still looked really confused. "Joshua..?" Realization dawned on her face. "Is 'Joshua' an aqua by any chance?"

Mental facepalm. "Yes."

The blonde maid looked at me, awe clear on her face. "Are you telling me that you're friends with Prince Ashbel and Prince Trez?"

"Uh..." This girl is starting to get creepy. "I guess?"

Suddenly, she seemed fixated on a spot above my shoulder. Okay, now she's certainly crazy...

There was a tap on my shoulder. Shrieking, I jumped and whirled around, to see a very surprised Kevin standing there.

"Ouch," he mumbled, "Your hair hurts."

I reddened. "Sorry?"

Kevin looked at me for a moment, an amused look on his face. His eyes were soft as he looked at me. "I'll bring you home to visit your dad," he said gently.

My heart started glowing. "Thank you," I whispered, looking down at the ground.

Kevin lifted my chin so I was staring into his golden eyes. "No problem," he said quietly. He grabbed my hand, and lead us through the giant doors, leaving the maid standing in the hallway, her eyes wide with awe.

The air was cool, and the sky was a brilliant shade of fiery pink. I stopped abruptly to look at the magnificent castle behind us, its brilliant white marble tinted with subtle hints of sky blue and rosy pink. The castle looked as if it belonged to a different life; a different world.

Kevin tugged my arm, bringing me back to the present. His golden eyes were quizzical. "You ready to go?" he asked, brushing a few strands of my dull brown hair out of my face.

I'm so normal, I thought, Why is a guy like Kevin interested in me?

Unconsciously, a few tears had managed to make their way down my face. Kevin's automatically looked worried. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, holding my arm to steady me.

I nodded, trying not to burst out in tears.

Kevin walked us over to the giant lawn in front of the castle and sat down. "What's wrong?" he asked seriously, "and don't say that you're fine, you're obviously not."

I couldn't hold the tears in anymore; they poured down my face like a waterfall. I tried to tell Kevin that I wasn't good enough for him, but only choked sobs came out. I shook my head, signaling to him that I couldn't talk.

Kevin hugged me, letting me cry into his shoulder. "Do you want to go back inside?" he asked quietly, rubbing my back.

I nodded yes, closing my eyes and trying to relax.

"There's someone that I think you would like meeting," he whispered.

I nodded again, and just relaxed in his arms. After a few minutes, we got up and walked back into the castle.

We walked up the giant staircase with a light, rose pink carpet. The carpet was beautiful, with silver thread swirling all over it. Come to think of it, everything in the palace was beautiful.

When we reached the third floor of the castle, Kevin lead us to a large door and knocked. "Cecily? It's me, Kevin."

The door opened, and a girl in her early teens stepped out. She wasn't that much younger than me, and her long, white-blonde hair flew behind her as she squealed and hugged Kevin. I felt something in me flinch when he hugged her back. When he stepped back, though, I got a better look at the girl. Her white-blonde hair was longer than I had originally thought; it went about three quarters down her back. The girl was tall and willowy, and her silver eyes looked at me, letting me realize that she was an aeris. Since Kevin knew her, too, she must have been a royal. And the fact that she had a delicate silver tiara with a diamond on her head.

"Alaina," Kevin said, taking my hand again, "this is Cecily, the Crown Princess of the aeris throne. Cecily, this is Alaina, a..." he seemed to be struggling to find the right word, "a friend of mine."

I just stood there, shocked. This girl was the crown princess of the aeris throne. One day, she would rule the kingdom of Diamor.

The girl smiled welcomingly at me, and held out her hand gracefully. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

I took her hand, extremely nervous, and stammered, "I-It's a p-pleasure to m-meet you!"

She laughed, her voice musical, and gestured towards her room. "You guys want to come in?"

"Sure," Kevin said, grabbing my hand and leading me into the room.

I walked over to the giant window that served as a door for the balcony. The vast gardens spread across the landscape, and I could make out the faint outlines of the other castles in the background.

When I finally turned around again, Kevin was whispering something to Cecily and they were both looking at me. Cecily giggled and nodded her head. Oh, how cute. I glared at them and after angrily opening the door, I walked onto the balcony.

The kingdom was even more beautiful without a glass pane in the way. The sky was a perfect sea of blue, and the polished black marble pathways in the garden shone in the sea of green like stripes on a Kingsnake.

"Hey, what's wrong?" His voice was so gentle, so concerned, that for a moment, I forgot why I was even angry at him in the first place.

I took a deep breath, and forcing a smile on my face, turned around. "Nothing, I just wanted some fresh air."

Kevin frowned, obviously sensing that there was something I wasn't telling him, but he decided against saying anything. Instead, he put his arms around me.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist.

We stood there for a moment, before an amused voice interrupted us. "Okay, lovebirds, go outside if you're going to go all coupley on me."

Instinctively, I took a step back, my face going scarlet. "Um..."

"Actually," Kevin said, also red, "I have to go find Joshua." He mumbled the last part, looking at me apologetically, as if to say I'm sorry, but he's still my friend.

I nodded at him, conveying the message that it was okay. "Go have fun!"

Kevin smiled one last time, and left.

I looked at Cecily. "So..." I began awkwardly, "Now what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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