Chapter Three

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MAKE SURE TO CHECK THE BOOK BY @forever_writing_26 OUT!!! IT'S CALLED Tides!!! (it's the counterpart of this book, just told from a different character... *evil grin*)

I dashed through the dark streets, careful to keep the hood of my jacket up and my head down so no one would be able to recognize me. Thoughts crept into my mind. If my father found out I was going to sneak out to see a boy I had just met—let's just say that I would never be allowed out of the house again.

The flashlight jiggled in my hand and uncovered creepy shadows all around me. I shivered, creeped out. Old tales popped into my head; tales of young girls being kidnapped by sinister forces in the cold, mysterious night. I wasn't that old myself; being sixteen, I had only two more years until I was officially considered an adult. After that, I would co-run the inn with my father, and eventually, own it myself.

A sudden rumble of thunder shook me out of my thoughts. It was followed by a sharp tongue of lightning, splitting the skies with its blinding light. Damn it. It was going to rain. Finding a new burst of speed, I ran back home.

I didn't run nearly fast enough. When I finally reached home, I was soaking wet, my teeth chattering from the cold. Keeping the lights turned off so I wouldn't alert my father of my absence, I tried to make my way to the kitchen but tripped over the rug and fell to the ground with a loud shriek.

The lights flashed on and my dad walked down the stairs, looking concerned. When he saw me, on the floor and dripping water all over the carpet, he rushed over, grabbing a towel and draping it around me.

This was one of the many things that I loved about my dad. No matter what happened, if I were in trouble, he would help. If I were in danger, he would tear the world apart to save me.

When I finally crashed into my bed, I saw a note waiting on my windowsill. Curious, I walked over and looked at it. In beautiful, perfect cursive, I saw two words. "Tomorrow Night."

It took me less than a millisecond to know who it was from.

A/N: yay!!! new update!!! this is kind of a filler chapter, but you get to meet her dad... so yeah, @forever_writing_26 is back, so we can start writing again!!!

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