~Chapter Two~

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Ciel stared at you.

You stood still, looking at the butler in front of you. He looked shocked, but not even a bit of happiness or relief showed in his eyes. You knew that wouldn't happen. You knew it was a mistake coming here in the first place. You shook your head.

"You look stupid. I was joking, of course you wouldn't miss me, I'm not stupid." You scoffed as you turned to face Ciel again. You bowed slightly.

"It was nice meeting you Lord Phantomhive but I think I'll take my lea-"

"Sebastian!" Lizzy shouted as she ran towards Sebastian. She gave him a hug as he smiled and hugged back. You felt like your heart break. He cared about Lizzy more than you. His own daughter. You said nothing as you ran up the stairs and into a huge study type room. You didn't know who the room belonged to but you didn't really care. You sat on the floor, crying. Not wanting to see you was one thing, but wanting to see someone else and not wanting to see you was painful. You carried on crying until you heard the door open. You looked up and saw Ciel. You stood up, wiping your tears.

"I apologise about everything, please tell Lizzy that I will meet her back home." You said as you headed towards the door, only to be stopped by Ciel.

"Sit." Was all he said as he walked behind his desk and sat down. You hesitantly sat opposite him, shifting your hair to make sure it was over your eye. You didn't really care which eye it was anymore. You just didn't want to be so different.

"Sebastian has never told me about you." Ciel said in a monotone voice that seemed too cold for someone so young.

"Of course he hasn't. He doesn't want me." You said as you laughed slightly. "He obviously cares about Lizzy more than me. He cared to smile for her, even if it was fake and he hugged her back. Of course everyone loves Lizzy, she's perfect. I'm just... there." You said, a hint of anger in your voice. You didn't know who you were angry at now. Lizzy? Or Sebastian? Maybe it was both. Ciel looked at you, like he was examining you.

"I'm half demon, if you're wondering." You said casually. Ciel's eyes widened.

"I also know you made a contract with father, it isn't hard to guess. He follows you around like a lost puppy. At least his contract is a pretty pattern." You smiled.

"How do you know what the contract looks like?" Ciel asked as he rested his chin on his hand. You let your eyes flash pink, the contract appearing.

"Until I'm 16 my eyes will show my fathers contract. I can only look at it in the mirror." You sighed. Ciel was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Ciel muttered. He didn't seem happy.

"Young Master, Lady Elizabeth seems to want to stay here for the night." Sebastian bowed. You got up and nodded your thanks.

"Thank you again Lord Phantomhive, I'll be taking my leave." You smiled as you walked to the door. You stopped in front of Sebastian, your eyes going cold.

"Every time Lizzy came home from visiting Ciel she would tell me how his loyal butler smiled and greeted her. Maybe that's because you'd rather have her as your daughter instead of me." You said as you walked out. You walked down the stairs and was greeted by Elizabeth.

"[Y/N], where are you going?" Elizabeth asked, tilting her head slightly.

"I am not feeling very well. I'm going back home." You smiled weakly.

"Oh, let me go say goodbye to Ciel."

"Lizzy, you can stay. I'll be fine. Have fun." You laughed slightly. Elizabeth hugged you and waved goodbye as you went into the carriage that you came in.
This was going to be the most you ever thought.

You spent the ride back thinking about all the excuses you would have to give to Lizzy whenever she wanted you to visit Ciel with her, you couldn't be sick all the time... unless you were dying, but then you'd actually have to die at some point and you weren't that keen on dying any time soon. You could fake a death but  then you'd be all alone again. You could say you have your own fiance to visit but then she would want to meet him, and if you didn't get married after years it would be suspicious. Demons always caused troubles, and that's what you were to Sebastian, a big trouble.

You got out of the carriage and the door opened before you had a chance to knock, your eyes were blurry from crying so you couldn't see who it was.

"Lady [Y/N], are you okay?" One of the maids asked. You simply nodded.

"I don't feel very well. Please tell mother that Lizzy will be staying at the Phantimhive manor." You said as you ran up to your room, slamming the door shut. You walked up to your mirror, moving the hair away from your eye and looking at them. Brown and blue. Why did Elizabeth have to have the bright green eyes. You envied them. You envied her.

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