Chapter 2

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I jolted at the loud noise from the upper level of the house. A door had been slammed with such force that it echoed throughout the manor, followed by Y/n's voice, piercing and filled with pain, "I hate you so much I hope you die."

What could Scorpius have done to ignite such a fury from me? I don't think in the four years they have been together have I ever seen this much anger from her.

Almost instantly, Y/n appeared at the top of the grand staircase, tears that glistened in the dim light. Her sobs were heart-wrenching, causing her steps to falter as she descended, almost tripping on her own feet. A knot of worry tightened in my stomach.

"Y/n," I called out, echoing in the vast foyer. "What happened? An argument?" I didn't want to pry too deeply into their private matters, but I needed to hear her story before confronting Scorpius. Y/n turned to me, her eyes glassy and filled with a sadness that was about to shatter her. I couldn't help but pull her into a comforting embrace. She needed it.

"Scorpius cheated on me. I won't be around anymore. Thanks for always being nice to me," she managed to say between sobs. I was taken aback. Scorpius had confided in me about his intentions to marry Y/n, and now he had cheated on her? I couldn't believe it. I had taught Scorpius better.

Y/n hurriedly grabbed her jacket from the coat rack and left, her cries fading into the night. My heart ached for her. She had shown nothing but love for Scorpius, and this is what he does to her.

With a heavy heart, I made my way to Scorpius' room. He was sprawled on his bed, a jacket that didn't belong to him or Y/n tossed carelessly on the floor.

"So, you cheated on her, Scorpius?" I asked, cutting straight to the chase. I wasn't in the mood for any dodging or excuses. Scorpius looked up, his face marred by tear stains."It was a mistake. I didn't mean to," he stammered, but I wasn't buying it. You don't accidentally betray the person you claim to love.

"You don't accidentally sleep with another girl, Scorpius. That's not a slip-up. It's a decision you made. And you're going to apologize to her. You're going to make it right whether she accepts your apology," I told him, my voice stern. Scorpius nodded, his hands covering his tear-streaked face.

"I regret it so much. I love her," he muttered his voice barely a whisper filled with guilt and remorse. 

"If you truly loved her, you wouldn't have cheated," I retorted. Scorpius' protests were brushed aside. I never once considered betraying Astoria, even now, long after she was gone. As I left his room, I only hoped Y/n was okay. Scorpius had no right to do this to her.

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