Dark forest

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Y/NS pov

I had just finished packing my horse when Kai came out handing me the bag of money. "What's this for" I asked saddling my horse.

"For helping and I know won't see you for a few months so I thought I would give you the money" he said and I smiled.

"Thank Kai but I was happy to pick it up later" I said and he out the bag in my hand. I sighed then held his hand. "your a good friend" I said then started riding away.

"See you later" he shouted and I smiled looking over at Geralt. Jaskier rode over and I laughed as he struggled.

"You guys make it look easy" he said and I sat backwards on my horse and looked at him. "Y/n don't do that" he said and I laughed.

I turned back around and looked at Geralt who chuckled. "Come one jaskier" Geralt said and he groaned.

"How did you to meet" I asked we both turned around to see him talking to his horse telling her to slow down.

"I was sat at a bar getting a drink when he came over rambling about random things then he decided to follow me and we got kidnapped by elves. Ever since then he's followed me" he said.

"Sounds fun I was kidnapped by an succubus before it was fun but then she killed someone so I had to end it" I said and he smiled.

"Getting kidnapped by a  succubus sounds like more fun then getting kidnapped be elves" Geralt said and I laughed.

Then suddenly out of nowhere a loud screech was heard. "That the hell was that" jaskier said and all the horses stopped.

"It looks like we can't go much further by horse" I said jumping down from ghost. I walked over to a tree and tied her to it.

"Why are Witchers to insane if I heard a sound like that I wouldn't go near it" jaskier said and I rolled my eyes.

"That's because your a coward" I said grabbing my swords and heading into the forest.

"Why has she got serious all of a sudden" jaskier asked and I sighed watching every move and shadow.

"Will you please shut up I don't want to be eaten by a monster today" I said and walked deeper in the forest when I heard the same sound.

"We are getting closer, we need to keep an eye out"Geralt said then a Minotaur came out.

"Shit" I said pulling out my swords. He ran over and I tired my best to try not get hit. "Jaskier move out the way" I said pushing him then he charged at me.

I grabbed it horns and rammed it into a tree then Geralt cut its head off. I sighed touching the wound. "You alright" Geralt asked walking over.

"Yeah the horn just caught me" I said and he had a look at it. I sighed holding it and leaning against the tree. "I have some healing potion with ghost but first we have to find them hunters" I said

Geralt sighed then three men walked out of some kind of cave. I smiled walking over them. "Who are you" one of them asked holding up a small knife.

"I'm Y/n I'm here to save you Kai sent me"I said wobbling on my feet a little.

"We should leave" Geralt said and we walked back to the horses. I walked over to ghost who helped my stay up with his head.

"Thanks buddy" I said taking out the potions and pouring it on my wound. I sighed and it healed.

"How did you do that" jaskier asked and I smiled getting on my horse.

"It's from a mage she's my friend" I said then I looked at the hunters. "Need a lift" I asked and the oldest looking one smiled.

"No need we have got it" he said and I nodded. Geralt got on his horse then jaskier managed to.

"Alright if you need anything just come and fine me" I said they nodded. "We should get going" I said riding away.

"So where to now" Geralt asked and I sighed looking at the fork in the road.

"This way I have a fired I need to talk to" I said riding down the road.

"Are you sure it's so dark can't we get a rest first" jaskier asked and I rolled my eyes.

"No we can rest when we get there" Geralt said and I giggled.

"Come on boys play nice" I said and Geralt Growled.

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