Katsuki's Hanahaki Manifest

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Hi, it's been like, how many months since I've posted? Yeah, sorry. I guess I kinda took a break from Wattpad for a bit, but I'mma try to come up with more ideas and ideally post a bit more often. 

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Katsuki knew. 

The moment Todoroki and Izuku walked out together, he knew what would happen. But why did it hurt him so much? Even if he knew?

Everyone started clapping when they heard the news, Katsuki fled. It wasn't like him, but he couldn't stand it, anything would have been better in his opinion. Even being tortured to death would have been better than what was happening now. 

He clutched his mouth with his hand, he wanted to vomit. He rushed to the bathroom, got into a stall and locked it. 

He tried to vomit, but what came out wasn't vomit, it was 1 pink petal. 

"What the fuck?" He gasped and covered his mouth. He felt the need to vomit again. 

This time he didn't vomit, he had a coughing fit. 

He was clutching to his chest now. He couldn't breathe. Once the fit concluded, he coughed out 2 more petals. He felt okay now that it was over. 

He flushed the toilet and opened the stall. He rinsed his mouth and washed his face. 

"YO! Bakubro! You okay in there?" Kirishima called out from outside. "Fuck off Shitty Hair." He yelled back. He walked out the bathroom where Kirishima was waiting for him. "C'mon dude, we're leaving now." He ushered for Katsuki to come and he did. 

On the bus..

Katsuki was tired, he didn't want to know anything that was happening around him. Everyone could die for all he cared. He sat at the window and looked outside. He closed his eyes and went to sleep. 

With TodoDeku...

Todoroki was sitting hand in hand with Izuku. He was in euphoria, he had been longing for this to happen for so long and now it's a reality. He looked at Izuku who was gazing at something in the bus. He followed Izuku's gaze. 

He was looking at Katsuki. 

Izuku couldn't believe he was now dating Todoroki, his best friend. It felt weird to him. He didn't like Todoroki in that way and he couldn't help but feel bad about that. He wanted to try his best for the sake of being a good boyfriend, but to him there was something missing. 

Something that his heart was longing and it wasn't Todoroki. Heck, he didn't even know what it was himself. 

As he let his thoughts wander, he fixed his gaze on Katsuki who was sleeping soundly at the opposite side of the bus. 

It was the only time Katsuki wasn't screaming or exploding someone. Suddenly, he remembered something. 

Kacchan wanted to talk to me about something earlier right?  He nodded to himself and wondered what Katsuki had wanted to talk to him about. 

Todoroki tugged on his sleeve. 

"Did Bakugou trouble you in some way? You seem deep in thought." Todoroki looked at Izuku. Izuku nodded, "He's not troubling me, but he wanted to talk about something earlier." Todoroki nodded thoughtfully. 

"Why don't you ask him later when he's awake?" Todoroki suggested, but in his mind, he was hoping Katsuki wouldn't tell Izuku what he actually wanted to say.

Izuku nodded. "Why don't we get some sleep now? It's been quite a long day." Izuku laid his head on Todoroki's shoulder and they both fell asleep just like that. 

Katsuki had woken up from his nap. He was confused when he saw that everyone was gone already. Well, except for Izuku that is. 

"Oh, Kacchan, you're awake now." He smiled at Katsuki. Katsuki scowled at him. "Why the fuck are you here Shitty Nerd?" He growled. 

Izuku was taken aback, Katsuki hadn't used that nickname for a month now, when things were starting to get better they go back to square one. 

He sighed. "Well, the bus stopped a  while ago, but we didn't want to wake you up so that's why I'm watching over you so that when you wake up you know what's happening. By the way, we're back at the dorms and it should be about dinner time." 

Katsuki grumbled and got out of his seat. His heart was aching so much, he just wanted to end the pain, and ignoring Izuku was the easiest way to solve it.

 They walked back to the dormitory and were awaited with food. 

"Good morning Bakubro." Kirishima grinned. 

Katsuki stuck up the middle finger, he was certainly not in the mood for cheer. 

He walked to his room leaving Kirishima in a gloomy mood. "Did I do something to anger Bakubro?" He asked Kaminari. "Dunno man." He shrugged. 

Todoroki grabbed 2 bowls of rice, placed them neatly on a tray with all the other appetizers. "Midoriya, wanna eat in my room?" He asked. 

"Sure, but first, let me go ask Kacchan something." He went after Katsuki. 

"Kacchan." Izuku called out. Katsuki halted and looked back at the green haired boy that followed him. "What the fuck do you want Deku?" He glared at him. 

"You said you wanted to talk to me earlier at the amusement park remember?" Katsuki growled. "Well, that's over, I don't want to talk no more, it was just a waste of time." He continued on walking. 

"Now fuck off Shit Nerd." He slammed his door. 

In Katsuki's room...

He slammed the door on Izuku's face. He didn't want to, but he had to, because he wouldn't dare to face Izuku. 

He laughed at himself. "Hahahhaha, who knew the day would come when I'm defenseless to that stupid nerd." Tears were rolling down his cheeks now. 

Slowly, but surely. 

1, 2, 3, 4, there was no use in counting how many there were, they just kept on coming with no stop. 

When he calmed down, he sighed to himself. 

"Kinda feels like I got rejected before I even got to confess huh?" 

That's all for this chapter. It's the shortest chapter so far. Anyways. Stay safe and bbye. 

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