Training Camp pt.2

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Second part of training camp

"Why the heck is it snowing!?" Mineta wailed. He wasn't ready for the cold yet. Much less train in the cold. 

Ojiro shivered. Even though his hero costume had fur and all, he was still exposing too much skin, and it was making him cold. He hugged his arms. "Yo, it's cold, anyone else freezing?" He asked with chattering teeth. 

"I'm on it." Todoroki said, he lit up a little fire with his quirk. Everyone swarmed around him. "Warm us up Todoroki. Make a bigger fire." Mina rubbed her hands together to keep them warm. 

Katsuki was the only one who wasn't in the swarm. His explosions were warm enough. He made a little flare with his quirk to keep himself warm. 

He noticed that Todoroki was getting closer to Izuku, inching in, every second he got. That ledt him smoldering. "Stupid Icy Hot bastard." He muttered under his breathe. 

Izuku noticed Katsuki was all alone. So, he slid under Todoroki's arm and went over to Katsuki. "Hey Kacchan, aren't you cold all alone?" He asked, his nose and cheeks, red from the cold. 

Katsuki looked at Izuku. He felt a pang in his chest. He stopped his explosion and started couching. Izuku reached his hand out to pat Katsuki's back, but Katsuki reflexively knocked it away. 

His eyes were watering from lack of breathe. He covered his mouth and glared at Izuku. "Go away." He growled. 

Izuku was confused and upset at the same time. What did he do wrong?

Todoroki noticed and went over to Izuku. "Why are you bothering Midoriya, what did he do to you?" He held Izuku's shoulder. 

Katsuki was holding his mouth, so his answer was a bit muffled, but Todoroki understood it clearly. "Keep your boyfriend away from me." 

He walked away. He looked at his hand that was covering his mouth. It had 3 bright pink petals. He quickly stuffed it into his pocket and went back to where everyone else was. 

"Listen up, we're doing rescue training today, everyone you find in this snowy mountain is a actor you must save. Do not worry, they're all professionals." He cleared his throat. 

"You will be partnered up into 2, we will have 6 people here with us, to give you some sense of direction as to where the actors are. If the weather gets worse, which it will, there are a few cabins in the mountain where you can take shelter." Tiger explained. 

They were each given a slip as to where and who they would be partnered up with with. 

The pairs were:

Mina, Uraraka, Koda, Tsuyu, Toru and Ojiro were assigned to do the navigating. 

They sighed, that meant they didn't have to go out in the cold. 

Todoroki and Shoji were a pair. 

Again?  Todoroki thought. 

Aoyama and Sato. 

"Let me do the twinkling." Aoyama said, flashing off his belly button. "Sure..." Sato said. Whatever 'twinkling' meant. 

Jiro and Kaminari. 

"Wohoooo, I got Jiro!" He cheered. Jiro blushed and plugged her earphones in his ear. 

Mineta and Momo-yao.

"Why do I always get paired with you?" Momo-yao wailed. 

Tokoyami and Kirishima.

"Heck yeah!" Kirishima tried to fist bump Tokoyami. He hesitated, but returned the bump. 

Iida and Sero. 

"We can use your tape and my speed." Iida said. 

Last but not least. 

Katsuki and Izuku.

Todoroki stepped in. "Mandalay, let us switch partners. Bakugou and Midoriya don't go well together." He tried to explain. 

Mandalay shook her head. "Sorry kids, we know that they don't get along, and we paired them on purpose so that they'd be able to work together. It doesn't matter, they have to learn how to work together in a situation like this." Mandalay said. 

"I don't fucking care. Just let Icy Hot take my place, him and Deku are dating anyway." Katsuki spat. 

Mandalay shook her head. "I'm sorry but rules are rules." 

The search had begun...

"To the east, there are 2 civilians, you should see them when you get closer." Mina said over the mic. Katsuki and Izuku were on their way. 

"Hurry up, Deku." Katsuki ushered, he was using his explosions to fly in the sky. 

"I'm coming." Izuku said. 

Civilian after civilian, they saved everyone they came across. 

The snow storm was starting to get worse. 

"Alright, all the civilians have been rescued. It is now your job to get back to HQ. the only exception is Bakugou and Midoriya. You 2 are too far away too far away to get back before the storm gets to you." Mina explained. 

"There's a cabin that's close to where you are, head west and you should see it. Stay there for the night and we'll come get you in the morning. Contact us if there are any complications." 

"But..." Izuku tried to protest. 

"No buts Deku, this is for your safety." Tsuyu said in a firm manner. 

"Bakugou, if Deku protest, use force to get him to the cabin." Mina said. 

"Whatever." He said to the earpiece. 

"C'mon Deku, we're going to the cabin, I ain't staying out in the cold." He said. 

Izuku pouted. Katsuki started to move in the direction of the cabin but stopped when he realized Izuku wasn't following. "Hurry the fuck up Deku!" He scowled. 

Izuku shook his head. "I know we can make it." He said. 

Katsuki gave out a frustrated sigh. He walked towards Izuku and hit him in the neck. "What the..." He passed out. 

As he fell, Katsuki caught him. 

"Such a stubborn little idiot." He mumbled. 

There will be another part of training camp. 

That's all, Stay safe and bbye. 

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