Training camp pt.3

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Well, this is the third part of training camp, didn't think we'd get this far. 

Word Count | 958

At the cabin...

Izuku yawned. "Where am I?" He murmured, still half asleep. Katsuki glared at him. "Where do you think?" He scoffed. 

Izuku  ignored the voice that he thought he heard and snuggled into the pillow, or what he thought was the pillow. Katsuki started to cough. "Who do you think you're hugging?" He said between coughs. 

"Hm..?" He had no idea what Katsuki meant. He then raised his head. He realized that he was snuggling up to Katsuki's leg. 

"Eeeekkkkk!!!" He screeched and backed away in a hurry. 

Katsuki laughed. "Stop freaking out, it makes you look weak." Izuku stopped freaking out. "When you say that, do you mean that I usually look strong?" He asked with an All Might expression. 

Katsuki was taken aback. "Get that ugly ass face away from me." He backed away. Izuku laughed. Katsuki called him strong, in a subtle way. 

When Izuku stopped laughing, things got awkward. Katsuki tsked and layed down, his arms folded behind his head. "I'm taking a nap now, you can do whatever nerdish thing you want."

Izuku looked away. "Uhhhh, sure." He wandered off to the room next door. It was the kitchen, he was feeling kind of hungry, he checked the fridge, but it was empty. He opened the cabinet, at least it had some snacks in it. 

He got a bag of chips and opened another cabinet to get a glass cup. The glass was too high for him to reach. He bit his lip, trying to think of a way to reach it. There was no stool for him to use, so he got on his tippytoes to try to reach it. 

The glass was just a centimeter out of his reach, so he used the last resort. He climbed on top of the counter and reached for the cup. He was finally able to grab it, but when he did, he lost his balance. 


He fell. 

On his tail bone. 

Tears of pain and shock were forming in his eyes. "Shoot, that really hurt." He wailed. He tried to stand up but the pain was too much for him at the moment. He tried to keep his tears from falling, but when he heard someone enter the kitchen he burst out in tears and laughter. 

"You idiot." Katsuki rushed inside. Izuku was crying and laughing at the same time. "It really hurts Kacchan." He cried as he laughed. Katsuki facepalmed himself. "Be careful next time." Katski said as he started walking to the exit of the kitchen. 

"Are you just gonna leave me here?" Izuku asked as he laughed and cried. Katsuki shrugged and left the kitchen leaving Izuku there on the ground. 

3 seconds pass...

"And I'm back." Katsuki said as he held a first aid-kit. "Where does it hurt dumb Deku?" Katsuki asked. Izuku pointed to his bottom area. Katsuki's face turned red and he looked away. "I'm not touching you there, you do it yourself!" Katsuki half threw and half placed down the first aid-kit. 

Katsuki walked out the kitchen, there and then. "Wow, thanks so much Kacchan." Izuku gritted his teeth as he rubbed his butt. 

With Katsuki...

Katsuki sighed. He did it again. He left yet another bad impression on Izuku and as always, he didn't mean to. Not like Izuku wasn't used to it or anything. 

Katsuki punched the wall in frustration. He didn't like his feelings for Izuku. He would rather anyone other than Izuku, but of course, the gods wouldn't let anything like that happen. 

He went back to the living room and turned on his ear piece. "Oi, hurry the fuck up, we've been waiting for too long now. Hurry the fuck up, I'm getting impatient." He growled in through the ear piece. 

"Well, well, well, look who finally lost their patience." He heard Kirishima and Mina's voice through the ear piece. "We're gonna pick you guys up in half an hour." He said cheerfully and cut the connection leaving Katsuki alone. Katsuki sighed. "Ugh, Shitty hair is annoying and brainless as usual." 

Katsuki went back to the kitchen where Izuku was. "Oi nerd, you done with your injury yet?" He scowled. "Yeah, but it still hurts when I try to stand." Izuku chuckled. Katsuki sighed. He moved towards Izuku and scooped him up. 

"Ka-ka-kacchan. What are you doing?" He squeaked. Katsuki was about to bring Izuku back to the living room, but, he felt a pang in his heart and lungs. He dropped Izuku on the floor and kneeled on the ground clutching his heart. 

Izuku yelped out in pain, but came to Katsuki's aide. "Kacchan are you okay?" He winced in pain but patted Katsuki's back. 

Katsuki hit his hand away, "Leave me the hell alone Deku." 

At that moment, Kirishima burst through the doors with a smile on his face. "We're here!-" His smile faltered and disappeared when he saw Izuku and Katsuki on the ground. 

He ran to Katsuki and patted him on the back. "Cough it up bro." He said reassuringly. Katsuki glared at him but continued to cough. Once it has stopped, he stood up and headed for the door. He exited the cabin and hopped onto the vehicle that Kirishima had arrived in. 

"Uh, so Midobro, I assume that something happened. What exactly happened?" Kirishima asked. Izuku shook his head, "I really don't know-ow-" he winced in pain. His tailbone was really hurting now, sitting down hurt, so he tried to stand up, that hurt too. 

He bit his lip to ease the pain a bit, he grabbed his coat and headed outside towards the vehicle that was going to bring them back to HQ. He was so ready to go back home...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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