Chapter 8

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"How did what go?" George asked, moving his gaze from the window to the man next to him.

"The studying. How'd the studying go?"

"Oh," the 'o' was dragged out. "It went pretty well." He started. "We finished setting out the basic outline of everything. Now we need to finish the actual details of the research and start on the graphics, which Wilbur agreed to help me with."

"Graphics?" Sam began curiously. "I thought it was just meant to be an essay."

"It was, but Wilbur pointed out that we could get extra points if we had some sort of model to go along with it. I'm not great with graphics so he offered to teach me how to make a digital model"

"Why not just a regular model?"

George hummed. "I asked the same thing. Wilbur said that it was more impressive to have a digital model."

"I'm not sure if I agree with him on that." The 'Or anything for that matter.' was left unsaid.

"Again I agree with you. But he also pointed out that digital is harder to lose or destroy. We also don't have the supplies for a physical model."

Sam clicked his tongue. "Ah. Makes sense." George let out a soft hum of agreement.

The rest of the ride home was mostly silent. The only noises being the hum of the car motor and the sound of the wheels on the road.

When they pulled into their driveway the two of them got out of the car and began walking into the house. When they reached the front porch they both stopped Sam, beginning to dig through his pockets for his keys.

When he manages to grab ahold of them he quickly unlocked the door and entered the building.

He kicked off his shoes before placing them carefully in their designated place by the door. As he began taking off his coat and putting away his keys he realized that the door had never closed behind him.

He looked up, wondering why George hadn't closed the door and saw George still standing outside.

George was standing in the doorway, a smile on his face as he typed away.


"Hmm?" George looked up, seemingly not having realized that the door had been opened.

"Are you going to come in or are you planning on sleeping outside?" He asked in a teasing tone.

The teen smiled as he rolled his eyes, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.

"As if you'd ever let me sleep outside."

Sam chose to ignore the clear sass his son was throwing at him, instead asking him a question.

"Did you eat while you were over there? I know it's a bit late but if you're hungry I can make you something to eat."

"I ate a small snack immediately after we got there but I'm kinda hungry. "

"Alright. I think there's some leftover pasta from last night that I can heat up if that's good with you."

"Yea, of course. "

Sam went about warming up their food and creating their plates.

When their food was done he set out one of the plates in front of George, who had been sitting at the table, and took the seat across from him.

The two ate their meal in silence, both of them opting to focus on eating instead of talking.

The peaceful silence was broken by George's voice.

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