Think, think!

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Now with the cameras broken, Chase had to think of something new. Sure, the cameras had probably caught some footage, but not enough to properly blame Alec. There was no way he could get new cameras, so he would need either an eye-witness, or turn the tables some how.

    Cali probably didn't know much about Alec, if anything. He could tell her what happened, but it's unlikely she'll do anything. She understands dog, but can't speak dog, so it's difficult. He could also spend time outside the lookout, making it less likely for him to "attack" Alec.

    It was a difficult choice, but he went to Cali for help.

    "Cali!" Chase barked as he went into Katie's pet parlor. "Hey Katie, can I talk with Cali?"

    "Oh, sure Chase!" Katie replied, taking Cali off the rim of the bathtub.

    Cali followed Chase as the exited the parlor. They went to the beach to talk, since nobody was there at the time. Chase explained everything to her, it took a while. It was hard for him to understand, but she said she would help him. After that, Chase was happy he now had someone on his side. Even if Alec told Cali, she would never believe the American Bully, she was to smart for that.

writers block sucks

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