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"the only thing you can do is pray." "What! Is he-" "No not yet, but it's not in our hands." "What the hell! I don't want to hear your shit! So don't fucking tell me that its not in your hands! How is he??" "Miss I appreciate your situation but-" "Just, freaking, tell me!!" "Control your temper please." "I'll take it from here Doc," Jack said then he grabbed me, gently, and took me away. "Hey," he said. As soon as we were alone I cried. I cried because I want Jack. I cried because I love Jack. I cried because I'm, freaking, alive because of Liam . "He'll be okay," he whispered. "No, he won't!" I shouted, "He gave his life for me! He was ready to die for me! He can't be dead!" "Hey shhh, Emma. Hey shhh it's going to be okay. We'll make it together." He caressed my cheek as he whispered again. "Shhh it's alright" I cried more. Then he put his finger on my chin and made me look at him. In his eyes I saw him look at me lovingly, and whispered, "I can't believe I could have lost you," then he added, "I can't lose you Emma you mean so much to me." 'Oh please just shut up,' I thought, 'because you're making me happy with what you're saying and I shouldn't be happy. I should be worried about Liam!' I tried to make words. "I-" Jack's lips on mine cut off my words. He started kissing me gently and so slowly as if asking me if I mind, but I was so shocked to stop him! Soon he turned the kiss into a passionate one, by shoving his tongue into my mouth. He then bit my lower lip, leaving my mouth. Jack licked my neck kissing every inch, but I prevented a moan as I shoved him away. "You're a jerk!" I shouted. "Emma I--" "Don't! My boyfriend is in there and only God knows if he is alive or dead because he saved my life!" I took a breath as I continued, "And you are kissing me!" "Well, you didn't stop me!" He shouted. "I did!" "But after what? Now you stop me! Why didn't you stop me from the beginning?" he asked. "Because... because... because...." I didn't really have an answer. "Because you liked it." he smirked. "You are the biggest jerk ever! Don't dare to talk to me ever again!" I walked angrily as the guilt was eating me up! I can't believe he just kissed me! And I just can't believe I actually liked it! I am the worst girlfriend ever!!! "Emma, He's okay!" Jessica said happily "Oh my God! Really?" "Yes! He is!" "But why are you this happy? Didn't you use to hate him?" "Well, Ems. He did save your life." "Yeah." "Now enough babbling the only thing he kept on saying since he woke up was your name!" she said and the guilt growing inside me was more than I could handle. Liam's P.O.V. "Hey," I heard her angelic voice whispering . "Hey," I said weakly. She stood beside me. Probably afraid that she would hurt me. "Come lay beside me." "Won't I hurt you?" "You? Lying beside me? That is very far from hurting me." "Okay" she said lightly. As she sat beside me hugging me tenderly, afraid of hurting me again. "I love you," I said . She froze. "You don't have to say anything back," I said hoping for the opposite. "Its not that--" "Tell me." "You're tired now." "No, Emma. Tell me now. It's okay." "It's just that, I don't deserve you--" "What! I'm the one that doesn't deserve you! You are a dream come true! And I'll spend my whole life winning your heart." "Please. Stop," she said. I heard a soft sob leave her mouth. "Emma, are you crying?" "N-no," she whispered between her sobs . "Emma. Tell me what's wrong! Please did I do something wrong?" "No! I did!" "What happened?" "I--he---jack" she said crying more. "What did that jerk do?" "He--I---" "Emma. Tell me. It's okay" "He kissed me!" I didn't know what to say! But I wanted to rip his head off! That jerk kissed my girl and- "Did you kiss him back?" "No but--" I relaxed a little ."But what?" "I was so shocked that I didn't stop him at first." "Oh," I said as if I understood. "I'm sorry," she cried even more. "If you hate me now I won't blame you, and if you want to breakup I--" "No I will never break up with you! Emma, I love you and it's not your fault. It's his." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "I'm sorry! You're tired go back to sleep." "Only under one condition." I said. "Anything." "Anything?" I smirked . "Pervert!" I laughed. "Well I just don't want to wake up and not see you by my side." "Okay" she said sleepily. "I will sleep too." "Goodnight." "Goodnight," she said as I drifted into a deep sleep. Liam's P.O.V. I woke up with an angel sleeping by my side. I couldn't believe my eyes. She is mine! And she will always be, but that jerk should mind his own business. I was sure that he was still here, so I stood getting ready to have a civil "talk" with him. I opened the door of my room, but I was surprised that he was lying there sleeping, by the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked surprised. "None of your fucking business," he shrugged. "Could you tell me what the hell is wrong with you?" "You took my girl from me that's what's wrong with me!" he shouted. "She isn't your girl! She is mine!!" "No. I've known her since she was 5! I know everything about her! What do you know? How much do you know about her? Huh? See she is mine! What we have together, you and her will never have!" "She was by your side since she was 5! Why didn't you tell her how you felt?" "Because I was afraid!" "Afraid of what?" "Afraid that she'll run away! That she'll not accept me. Even as a friend!" "Well now you lost her!" "I didn't!" "You did!" I shouted. "And as long she wants to, she is my girl!" "Soon she won't want to!" he shouted "I bet you I'll get her back in 2 weeks!" "You are betting on her?" I asked shocked. Then I added, "She is not a game, a dare, or whatever you think! She. Is. A. Girl! She is the best girl ever! She is so beautiful, yet so sexy and cute! She is funny and innocent! Her smile is breath taking! Her laugh is a melody to me! I love her personality! And how she gets excited about things! I love how she squeaks like a little girl! I love how random she is! And I love that sometimes she doesn't make sense at all, but she still argues! And if I don't know her as much as you! I don't fucking care! Because what I know is enough for me!" I took a deep breath then said, "And don't ever dare to compare her to a dare! This time I left you untouched! But what happened yesterday can never happen again!" The next thing I knew was I felt Emma kissing my cheek. "You are the sweetest guy ever!" she said sweetly. "And I think...Liam I think I'm falling in love with you," she said nervously. Sweet Jesus! What she just said is making me nervous! Man I'm turning soft! "I love you so much Emma," I whispered kissing her forehead.

Jack's P.O.V.

"I think... Liam, I think I'm falling in love with you," I repeated in a girl voice

"I love you so much, Emma!"

I hate him! I fucking hate him! And I love her! I love her so much! S

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