the end?!

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Jack p.o.v

I waited for her all night wishing that she would come, at last i lost hope and i knew that i lost her, i knew she isn't mine anymore.

So i cried, i cried so much that i couldn't breath anymore. I had lost my girl, my love, and my best friend.

You know when you feel that nothing matters anymore? When you don't know the difference between life and death? When you wish you would crawl and cry forever? when your heart beats in an annoying way but you can't stop it? When you wish that there is a re-do button that you could use? that you could erase this mistake from your life?!

i lost her...I cried and cried until i woke up the next day with my eyes swelling and so red...'i lost her' i thought again.

'i want to die' I thought

'god i beg you, i want to die, i don't care for my life anymore-not without her- she is my life'

Liam p.o.v

i left her sleeping, that little sweet angel, i left a rose on my-her pillow with a letter saying

'Yesterday was amazing, i don't remember loving someone in my life as much as i LOVE you'

Then i went to 'talk to Jack'

I saw him and it was weird that he looked so horrible like he dosen't care for life anymore.

Jack p.o.v

I was thinking of another way to went her heart back, but i couldn't find any, but then i saw him i didnt care why he came or what he is going to say.

I was surprised by him punching me shouting


I smirked as a though ccrossed my mind, i know it was a dirty way but if that would break them apart then okay.

"she is yours you tell eh?" I smirked again.

"yeah, and you have to keep yo--" I cut him sayin

"yours?!" i said putting a finger on my chin as i thought.

"so that was why she let me kiss her twice? that's why she always come back to me? that's why you she will always be mine, i pity you, think about it liam, does she really loves you? does she really? or is she staying with you to teach me a lesson! to make jealous!"

"shut up you fucking--"

" she will NEVER fall in love with you! she is lying to herself as she is lying at you"

"liam what me and Emma have out guys will NEVER have! you get it? she is mine! she loves me and she will always will! just ask yourself DOES SHE REALLY LOVES YOU?"

Liam p.o.v

i pushed him, leaving him on the ground.

'does she really loves you?!'

the question played in my head again and again. I couldn't see her right now so i went sat alone and though of what i should do.

Emma p.o.v

i woke up as i saw the rose on the pillow. I read the letter and tears threatened to come out.

10 hours later

It was dark and liam still didnt come back. I was beginining to feel nervous, where was he? i called his cellphone more than 20 times,i send messages more than 40 message , and left more than 15 time asking him were was he.

Deep down i felt that a very bad thing will happen now and i only hoped for the best!

Liam p.o.v

I walked home as i saw her standing waiting for me. My heart was beating so hard that im sursure she heard it. Is it the end?! i thought.

"hey" she smiled. at me.

"hey" i replied.

"umm where were you?!"


"umm yeah were"

" no were specific"

"okay" she said as she turned her back to me walking away.

Emma p.o.v

He was talking in a real mean way, i know its childish but i actually cried as i turned my back to him.But he turned me to face him, and i knew he was going tkazb break up with me.

liam p.o.v

i turned her to face me as i saw her crying. FUCK ME! did i just made her cry?!

The girl i love is crying because of me.

Emma p.o.v

"i'm sorry" he said

"i--- i don't know what to say"

And i know that he will leave me now.

" I love you" he whispered.

" I just need to know one thing"

"o-okay" i said afraid of why my heart was beating that hard.

"do you really love me?!"

"i---" i froze.

Liam p.o.v

"i---" she froze.

"because if you don't, it's okay i could win your heart, but the real question is do you love Jack? or not?!"

She froze again.

Emma p.o.v

I wanted to be honest with him, and i was playing trick mind on myself , avoiding this question over and over. Do i really love Jack? or do i love liam?

The sweet and caring guy! or my bestfriend the guy who i have known my entire life, the guy that is afraid of taking a step.

Him? or Jack?

If i loved Liam i should have know, i shouldn't hesitate. I should know right away,right?

I froze for a long time, but i couldn't form a word.

Liam p.o.v

She froze, she couldn't say a word, she didn't answer me,she loves him and not me!!

I lost her!

" I think i understand what you are trying to say" i said as i entered to my care, drove and only God knows were to. I cried, i lost her, she isn't mine anymore....

soooo comment vote please tell me what you think

i love you all.

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