Prologue: Welcome Back

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This story is the sequel to A Broken Spark. If you haven't read that in its entitreity, then you probably should.

Maxwell the kitsune was sitting by himself in a nice grassy plain, beneath a tree. He was reading a spell book that he had, given to him by someone. Someone special to him.
Ever since his childhood, Maxwell was unable to learn any new spells as a kid, due to his... history of magic school. When he moved out, he wanted to try to learn some himself, but the... incident began shortly afterward.
But now, someone he knew wishes to see him learn some new spells and help catch up.
And learning he was.
Max read a page and close his eyes, holding out a paw. Then, an orb of light appeared out of it. A simple light spell.
Max smiled triumphantly. He hadn't really done any spells other than his typical plant and crystal ones, so this was a big leap for him.
He went back to the spell book, and tried another spell. After attempting it, his right paw froze over. He smiled triumphantly, but then realized his paw was frozen solid. He tried hitting it to thaw it, but to no avail. He sighed in annoyance. The fact that he could never get that ice spell to work really irritated him.
He sighed and rested on his back, looking at the clouds.

He watched birds fly by and make their sounds in the sky. He looked down at the ground, seeing a spark jogging. He smiled, enjoying the nice and gentle breeze of the small hilltop.
He then felt something fall on his muzzle. He bobbed his head up slightly, causing it to fall.
It was a purple feather. A familiar one at that.

"Hm. Strange."

He then saw another purple feather fall. It floated softly in the wind. Strangely enough, he felt... like it was calling out to him.
So, he put his book back and followed it down the hill. He followed the purple feather until it fell on the grass.
Max poked it with his paw, before it flew up again and landed on his nose.
He made a small sneeze.

"Bless you." A female voice behind him said.
"Thank you." He replied.
He then recognized the voice and immediately turned around.
No one's there. He turned to the side again. "Is-?"
"Hello." Someone appeared in his line of sight instantly.
Max yelled in surprise and fell on his back, breathing heavily.
"Oh, sorry! You alright?" The character asked. It was a purple phoenix. More specifically, it was Azar, who is Maxwell's girlfriend and vice versa.
"Yeah. I'm good." Max got back up, surprised by her there. "I, uh, didn't think you would come back from your travels until next week." He said, a little romantically flustered.
She chuckled a little. "Well, I already finished everything I needed to before then. Besides, I was feeling homesick anyway."
Max smiled and hugged her tightly. "Good to have you back, Azar."
Azar was caught a little off guard but quickly gave into it and hugged him back, blushing. "It's good to be back with you." She said.
The two released their loving hug. They had definitely missed each other. "So, anything exciting happen to you?" He asked.
"Eh, had the occasional encounter with some people. Some interesting, some alright. But I was waiting to come back anyway."
"What for?" He asked.
Azar chuckled. "What else?" She nuzzled her head against Max's. "So what about you? What have you been up to?"
"Trying to try out the spell book you gave me." He said.
"And how's that going for you?" She asked, sitting on her back and looking at the sky.
Max joined her on his back. "Alright, I suppose. Can't get this stupid ice spell to work though. Ice just isn't my natural element." He said, raising and showing his frozen paw.
"Well, everyone improves, eventually. Give it time and it'll work out." She said, doing a little motion with her wing, causing the ice on his paw to melt.
"Heh. Thanks." He said, resting his paw back down on the grass next to him.
Azar saw his now thawed paw and immediately did the bold move. As in, she grabbed held his paw his with her wing.
Max felt her grab it and blushed. The two just sat there and feeling the soft breeze.

Max looked off to the side and fiddled with his paw, looking a little nervous.
Azar looked at him. "Something up?"
"Yeah, actually. I, uh..." he said a little nervously.
She waited for him to muster up the courage to speak.
"I was just, Ah, wondering. We're girlfriend-boyfriend now but we still haven't actually, Y'know had our first... going out if you get me." He tried getting his words together.
"You mean, a date?" She clarified for him.
"...yeah, a date. Unless you count that whole adventure where we met our first date, I still kinda owe you our first date." He said, his face becoming pink. "So, uh, just curious."
"Yeah, what's on your mind?" She asked.
"I heard of a... really nice restaurant in the city. I checked it out, and it looks really pretty. So, I was wondering..."
"Go on..." She giggled. She really wants to hear him say it. Must be some kind of entertainment to her to see Maxwell struggle getting his words together.
"Do you wanna maybe... g-go out? Just us? At the aforementioned restaurant?" He finally spat out.
She smiled softly and blushed. "Well, here's what I think." She said.
She scooted herself closer to him. "I would love to, very much!" She happily exclaimed, getting onto her side and wrapped her other wing around him, resting her forehead against his lovingly.
"Oh, w-welll, that-that works out all nicely, I feel." He said, returning the hug and forehead nuzzle.
"Oh my stars, words can't tell how excited I am!" She thought, overflowing with joy.
"It's good to be back, Maxie." She said.
"Good to have you back, love." He said.
The two lovers just continued their little relaxing beneath the clouds, having missed each other dearly.

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