Chapter 2: The Flarewing Creed

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Deep in Mugmyre Marsh, phoenixes were all gathering. They were going through a path disguised as a wall. All of these phoenixes were members of the Flarewing Creed, composed entirely of phoenixes.
Including Azar.
"C'mon c'mon where are you-" a yellow and orange phoenix outside the gates of the creed village mumbled to herself as she tapped her talon impatiently, whilst looking at her pocket watch.
She looked up and saw the lavender phoenix herself descend and land in front of her.
"Greetings, Asmond." She said as she approached her.
"You're late, Azar." The yellow phoenix sighed, shaking her head. "What kept you?"
"It took me a while to get prepared, okay?" Azar said.
"Okay, I get it. I know you don't want to partake in this damn thing either, but we don't have a choice." Asmond said.
"Yeah, I know." Azar sighed and followed her friend inside.

Later, the phoenixes were gathered, looking at a stage, all of them sitting at tables. A kind of restaurant/cinema. On the stage were phoenix performers dancing and showing off their bizarre magic.
Azar And Asmond we're sitting at a table, chatting. Azar looked she didn't want to be here. For many reasons.
"So, what have you been up to since we last met?" Asmond asked.
"Quite some stuff, actually. I've made new friends, had some crazy rides, some emotional, and overall, a nice time, I suppose." Azar said.
"I see, I see." Asmond grabbed her drink and took a swig of it. She then noticed the necklace around her neck that Maxwell gave her. "Wait, hold the phone, Azzy. What's that?" She pointed to it.
Azar paused upon her mentioning it. "O-oh, this? It's a necklace. My... significant other made it for me as a gift. We kinda had our first date today, actually."
Asmond gasped in disbelief. "Waitwaitwait. You do have a boyfriend?!"
Asmond spun around on her stool. "Haha! Yes! Your wackadoo gramma said you had one, but I thought that just her being... her. You lucky lady, you! I knew you could do it!" She supported Azar whole-heartedly on this relationship, it seemed.
Azar blushed a bit and chuckled. "Heh, thanks."
"I'm so proud of you, Azzy. I knew those charisma magic lessons I gave you would work! Who is he, what kind of phoenix is he like?"
Actually... it just occurred to Azar. No one in the creed, other than her and her grandmother, knew about the fact Maxwell was a kitsune, not a phoenix. And considering that the creed was phoenix only..
"Well, he's very charming and cute. He's green and white. He was a little shy and timid when I met him, but he's very sweet and kind. We met a Centuria, and by that point he... had a deadly illness." Azar described Maxwell without saying he was a kitsune.
"Oof. What happened? Is he still sick?"
"No, he's all better now. I helped him get past it. He acts like he owes me something, but he doesn't. I'm glad he's all well, and I'm even more glad to be in a relationship with him."
Asmond chuckled. "Well, this..." She squints at the necklace. "...Laxbell fellow sounds like your perfect match, Azzy."
"Heh. Well, thanks for caring, Asmond." She thanked her friend.
"Don't mention it. Hope you two enjoy each other."

"And now, time for the main event!" A phoenix speaker said as the spotlights adjusted to aim at the stage.
Then, from the side of it, a phoenix with orange and brown feathers walks onto the stage, scat singing. He was wearing what looked like a fancier outfit than normal.
It was Talus, the leader of the Flarewing Creed, and Asmond's father.
"Hellooooooo, Flarewings!" He said to the audience as soon as he reached the microphone.
The audience cheered wildly. Except Asmond and Azar, who just clapped.
"Man, it is good to see you all again! I know I haven't been present much to my favorite sparks. So, I thought we should catch up! What have I been up to, huh? Let's see! Making new changes to everywhere we own, such as overseeing the construction of the new park, adding the community center just down the sreeet, and most importantly, making advances in our fields of magical research!"
Everyone clapped for him.
"Speaking of Magic, we have new unique magic tricks to show everyone! this creed. Can't let anyone else steal our tricks, am I right? Hahahahaha! But seriously, these are the jokes, folks. Laugh with me!"
Everyone laughed.
Asmond and Azar just chuckled nervously.
"But before we show them off, we need some audience help! I'm looking for four members from the audience to help!"
Everyone clamored and wanted to be chosen. The spotlights moved over the audience.
"Will! It! Be...."
The spotlight landed on a red phoenix in the crowd.
"You! Come on, Geoffrey! Get on up here!"
The red phoenix happily flew up there.
"Next up is... you!" The spotlight landed on Asmond. "My own daughter, Asmond! Get on up here and help your old man!"
"Great. Pray for me, Azzy." She said before going up there.
"Next up, Bill, my man!" He said to a blue phoenix.
"And last but not least... who should I pick, who... how about Azar, the purple one with the mushroom hat!"
The spotlight shone on her, and everyone cheered for her.
She chuckled nervously as she walked onto the stage, feeling stage fright.
"Knock em dead, guys." Talus said to all of them as he walked by them.
'Oh boy, this won't end well will it?" Azar thought.
"Now, to begin."
Azar gulped.

The next few minutes consisted of Azar and her fellow volunteers helping Talus show off new and dangerous spells.
"Wow, so awesome!" The blue phoenix said, his feathers burnt.
"I know right, we're literally burning and having massive blood loss, but it's so worth it!" The red one gleefully said.
"Why are these guys so joyful getting their asses kicked by Talus?" Azar asked Asmond.
"Beats me. Kinda literally too." Asmond said, pulling a small pine out of her wing.
"But we're not done yet! We have one more thing to show off."
Talus summoned a small orb and placed it on the ground. "Azar, show us what happens when you approach it."
"Why me?" Azar mumbled to herself as she used her magic to clean herself off.
She then stepped towards and-
It created a large burst of wind, sending her flying. She landed with an "Oof!" and dropped some of her belongings, such as a potion, a book, her necklace and-
'The picture. Where is it?' she thought as she rummaged through her pouch.
"And that is all the new spells we have discovered!" Talus said to the audience, following by cheering. He then helped Azar up.
"Good show, kiddo. All of you. Wonderful work!" He praised the phoenixes.
He grabbed Azar's fallen stuff to help her. After he picked up the necklace, he saw it.
The picture.

"What in the?" Talus muttered to himself, his happy voice disappearing. He then shot a death stare towards Azar.
"Uh, I can explain." Azar said worryingly.
He then turned back to the audience. "My people! We will be back soon! Until then, enjoy this intermission from our music division." He then glared at Azar and used his magic to drag her away with him.
Asmond saw this and got worried. "Oh no, Azzy. What did you do?"

He then led her into a bar that was currently closed due to the festival. He sat at one booth table, awaiting her to sit in the parallel booth.
"Sit. Now." He said in a now rough voice.
Azar reluctantly sat, avoiding eye contact with the chief.
"First of all, I'm really impressed by your performance on stage, there. Really amazing." He complimented.
Azar stayed silent.
"Right. Onto business. So, Azar..." he put the necklace and the photo string on the table. "Care to explain to me what these are?"
"It's... my friend." Azar lied.
"Hmmkay. Unless he's one with benefits, would he do what's shown here? And you doing the same? Furthermore, would write his name on a heart necklace? Made with magic? Kitsune magic?" They he said kitsune made it sound like he really hated them.
Azar winced at those words. The end of wing end clenched like a fist, and glowed dimly, unnoticed by her.
"So what?! What's wrong with being with a kitsune?! He's a kind spark who's always looking out for me! He actually greeted me politely, which is more kindness than everyone in this damn creed combined! He cares for me, he's saved my life before, and he's everything I could ever ask in a spark! So what if he's a different species?!" She yelled back at him.
"Being friends with another species may be alright. But falling in love with one? In this creed?!" He then laughed, finding it amusing. "Do you know how many secrets you could spill to him? Laws of the creed you are very close to breaking?"
"Okay, Talus. Explain to me what it's harming."
"Us phoenixes, we have spent centuries, CENTURIES, perfecting the magical ways for ourselves! Keeping it a secret, because the other species? They only ruin what they touch! And you, falling head over tail; or dare I say, making out with him, you threaten to spoil our secrets to him! And soon, the outside world! Not only that, by being with him, you threaten to spoil our creed's bloodline! Centuries of work, making it phoenix only, will not be stained by you and this Maxwell!"
Azar sighs, tired from this. "Well, if you're concerned about pure blood, then maybe I'll leave this stupid creed, if want talk about him like this." She spits at him as she gets up and walks towards the door, still locked.
"You cannot leave a creed, girl. It is not that simple. You were born a phoenix, and you will stay a phoenix, no matter how hard you try."
"Oh, well, you'd be surprised. Because I- urg- know people!" She tried to work at the door, still locked.
"And if you did leave this creed, you'll become our enemy! When we see you with that kitsune, there were be hell to pay. For both of you."
Azar snarled, her wing glowing again. "Well, you won't have to worry about seeing us again! I'm not going to leave the perfect spark in my life just because you're so paranoid with a pure bloodline! I'm done with you. I'm done with these creed! IT'S GIVEN MY FAMILY TOO MUCH STRESS!" She yelled that last sentence, causing her magic to erupt and destroy the door. Azar herself teared up somewhat.
"Goodbye. And I'm never coming back." She used to her magic to grab the photo and necklace, and then ran out the door.
Talus smirked as she did that. "You idiot." He muttered to himself.

Azar ran past the crowd and took off flying.
Asmond saw her fly off. "Azar? Azar! Where are you going?" She called out.
Azar didn't respond. She simply flew away, her eyes now watery. She flew away back to City Fera.

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