Chapter 1: The Date

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Maxwell was at his house, getting ready for his first official date with Azar. He combed his fur and has to find something at least decent to wear.
Then again, he's a kitsune, and they don't really wear much.
He wore a tuxedo with a nice bow tie on it.
"Looking good, Maxwell." He smiled as he looked in the mirror, and saw the handsome kitsune that was him. He tapped a part of his chest on the tux, causing a little flower to appear in it. He smiled and nodded before grabbing something, then proceeded to head out.

Meanwhile, Azar herself was getting ready. She wore fashionable deep purple jewelry, her usual mushroomy hat off, and flowers around her horns. She put the finishing touch on with a perfume spell to make her smell wonderful.
"Not bad, Azzy." She said to herself. "I wonder if he'll like it." She then finished up, and went to meet with her boyfriend.

Later, Maxwell was at the restaurant's entrance. He took a deep breath. He was really nervous about this first date.
He quickly turned around and mentally prepared himself.
"Okay, Maxwell. It's just me and her eating dinner at a fabulous place. Just me and her." He took a deep breath.
Meanwhile, Azar was already inside at the reception, waiting for Max.
"Nothing to be worried about, Azzy. You're just... looking beautiful for the first time in ages. I wonder what he'll look like. Maybe he'll look like a-" she looks out the window and saw Maxwell in his fancy outfit.
"..a-a... handsome angel." She felt lovestruck just by seeing him.
She saw Max look in her direction outside thought the window, causing her to immediately look away and mess with her head feathers out of nervousness.

Max finally decided to stop the stalling. He took a deep breath to finally step inside.
As soon as he stepped inside, Azar tensed up upon seeing him.
'Okay, there is he is. Act natural-' she thought before clearing her throat.
"H-hey, Max." Azar said to him and smiled brightly.
"Hey there, Azar." He said back, walking up to her.
"You look... so stunning tonight." She complimented him, tripping on her words, being touched that he decided to take her out and look nice for her.
"Ah, Thanks." He blushed a rubbed one paw on his front leg. "You... look very beautiful. Not that you never look beautiful, I-"
Azar chuckled. "Don't worry, I know what you mean." She smiled.

After a bit, the two settled at a table. They had a booth seat, and were sitting by a window, overlooking the ocean. The sunset over it looked absolutely beautiful. But it's a simple fact that Max would say that Azar is more beautiful.
"You know Max," Azar said, looking around. "I see what you meant. This place is very nice."
"Yeah. When I heard about this place weeks ago, I instantly thought, 'this would be perfect for the first date.'"
"Well, you made an excellent choice." Azar said to him.
"Thank you."
The two had a relatively peaceful dinner with each other.

After eating, the two walked back outside onto the boardwalk where the restaurant is.
The two sat on a bench, overlooking the sea with the sunset.
"What'd you think of it?" Maxwell asked.
"Like you would need to ask me that. I loved every second of it. I love every second I'm with you." She said.
Max just did regular blush and smile routine.
"I'm glad I could spend this time with you." He said.
"Me too, especially considering what I have to do tonight." She sighed.
"What? What's tonight?"
"My creed, there's this whole... celebration thing they're doing, and they want every member they have to join. And unfortunately, I can't bring you along because you aren't part of the creed."
"Oh, well... that kinda sucks." Max sighed.
"Oh no, be thankful. It's not even amazing, it's just them showing off magic. You'd be bored out of mind, like me." She chuckled.
"Yeah. Maybe." Max gave a small chuckle as well.
He was also holding something in his paw, a small red cloth, wrapped around something.
Azar glanced at it and noticed. "Ooh, what's that?" She asked.
"It's... a gift. From me to you." He said nervously as he gave it to her.
"Oh, thank you, Max." She smiled as she unwrapped it.
It was a small band. The band itself looked like a plant with some flowers on it. There was also a purple gem on it, with the names of Maxwell and Azar engraved on it.
Azar gasped softly and happily at it. "Max, I... I love it!" She said. She was heartfelt that Max decided to make this for her. In fact, she felt guilty that she didn't have anything to give him herself.
"You do?" His eyes widened a bit. "I mean, I'm glad you do, but-"
She put the end of her wing on his mouth, shushing him. "It's beautiful, and love it, no matter what you have to say. Thank you so much." She then gave him a quick peck on his cheek.
Which, in phoenix body language, translates to a kiss.

Maxwell then just proceeded to die on the spot, losing all feeling in his legs. He fell on his side, and felt his face go entirely red.
'Hol-holy- she- did she? She did oh my queens-' Maxwell could barely get his thoughts together. He still couldn't move any part of his body. The first kiss will do that do you.
Azar giggled a bit, seeing his reaction to her kiss, almost tempted to do it again due to her mischievous side. 'Oh dear, did I already break him?' She thought.
"You okay?" She asked him.
" Just... surprised." He said, barely being able to put his words together, rubbing his paw against his cheek.
"I can do it again." She mischievously said.
"As much I would like that, my system needs to update first." He said, still sheepishly rebooting from his internal error.

After a bit, the two knew it wouldn't be long before they had to go back to where they live. So, they decided to have a walk down the boardwalk.
At the end of it was a photo booth. They saw a couple, an orange werewolf and purple shinigami come out of it, and grab the printed photos.
Azar had an idea.
"Hey, are you-" she began.
"Yep, I'm thinking what you're thinking." He finished for her. "Let's do it."
"I'm paying, my turn to pay for something." Azar as they got in.

They took their string of pictures, a total of six.
The first one was just simply them smiling at the camera, holding each other lovingly.
The second one was both of them in a thinking pose.
The third was them making a silly face.
The fourth one was Azar hugging him.
The fifth was her sneaking another quick kiss on his cheek.
And the sixth was him getting payback, with Max sneaking a quick kiss on the side of Azar's head much to her surprise.

The two got out, Azar still surprised by Maxwell's sudden bravery. 'And I thought I was the brave one, doing that.' She thought to herself.
Maxwell himself blushed like crazy, thinking about what he did but not regretting it in the slightest.
"Quite a stunt you pulled there, huh?" She said, still blushing like crazy.
"Hey, you did it first. It's only fair." Max said, also a blushing mess.
He printed two copies of each of the photo strands. One for him and one for her.
"Well, it's almost time for us to head back, isn't it." Azar said.
"Yeah, don't miss your festival thing." Max smiled.
"Thank you for making my night, Max." She hugged him lovingly.
"You're welcome." Max hugged her back.
The two smiled at each other once more before Azar flew off.
Max waved to her as she flew off, then looked at the photos, and jumped for joy. "Yes!" He said to himself.
Needless to say, this first date was a success.
Max would then return home happily, proud of how well it went.

Meanwhile, Azar would go back to her home, happily, but that joy might last for long...

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