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Several weeks had passed since,      Harry's and Alouette's break up and for Alouette, it's only getting worse

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Several weeks had passed since,
Harry's and Alouette's break up and for Alouette, it's only getting worse. She stopped going to classes as Ginny had started a rumour about her fucking some of the Slytherin guys, Malfoy's name was commonly used, but Zabini was apart of it too. Which of course wasn't true, but the most of Gryffindor table believed it.

She was devistated when Fred and George stopped talking to her, probably putting family first which if it was Augustus in her position she would do the same.

Fred and George were her first friends at Hogwarts. During her first year, they found her crying one night after, Marcus Flint did a number on her and ever since then, they've been the best of friends.

Well not anymore.

Alouette was pacing back and forth in her dorm, Pansy, Astoria and two other girls had just left as Potions was about began in a few minutes. She told the girls she was going to attend class today because she's been missing classes ever since.

Apparently today they were going to be learning the most powerful love potion in the world, Amortentia. The only reason she didn't really want to go was because love was totally bullshit and Harry ruined it for her.

Sighing, she looked down at her hands. She was already dressed in her uniform, so why was she procrastinating? She let out a shaky breath, wiping her face to get rid of the dry tears she hasn't noticed were there.

"You've got this," She whispered to herself as she walked over to grab her bag, "Just go."

A part of her telling wanted to go to see what students thought, and they reasons why she didn't were so fucking obvious. But she has nothing else to loose, so decided she was going to go.

Walking out of the dorm room, Alouette took a deep breath when she walked down the stairs, leading to the common room. She has no fucking idea how this day is going to turn out, but what's the worse that can happen right?

She put her head down while she walked through the common room, hearing the few students whispering and murmuring about her. She knew it was about her as she could hear her name a few times. Once she walked out of the Slytherin common room, she walked down a long corridor before turning a corner and coming across the steps.

She took a deep breath before heading down to the classroom room. When she was just standing outside, she heard Slughorn greet Potter and Ron Weasley which was weird cause she doesn't recall either of them being in the class.

Playing with the hem of shirt, she squeezed her eyes shut then walking past the small corner. All eyes where on her when she appeared in door frame, slowly knocking on the door her brother smiled when her saw her. He was standing next to Malfoy, Zabini and Nott, and she felt like her whole world stopped when she saw Harry.

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