chapter 3: the texts from a unknown number

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chapter 3,

I woke up with a bunch of messages on my phone by an unknown that I don't know, as I am awake now. Where is Jason, I don't see him any where, did he go somewhere without me. It's 8 am in the morning and I am heading the head masters office to show him the messages on my phone, he knows who sent me them. There is Jason, he comes into the office where I am and he also knows who did it to me. This day is the worst day ever and it makes me upset that I got those messages on my phone.

Hey I go to class and everyone starts laughing at me, Jason walks in and every one stops laughing at me. He is the best person I've ever met in the whole world and I love him so much because he means everything to me. I only have one class on a Wednesday because I am studying Hair and Beauty today as I am in my uniform. The bell rings and I go to Beauty because its first them hair after words. I see my boyfriend after I finish and I hug him, Jason doesn't know about me and a teacher dating each other what's new. I was in my teachers class lets call him Mr Fitz, Jason walks in and sees me hugging our teacher, oh shit did this just happen, it turns out he was sing someone else too.

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