Chaper 6: put into groups

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Okay so we have been spelt into groups me and Jason got put into the same group. Why did they do this too us, I mean I ended everything with Jason and they put us together in the same group. I know that he's not Jason Arron Potter because he's Jason Dilaurenris, I can't believe that he lied to me. He could have told me the truth but he didn't and he just used me like a rag dall and a bitch. But we went in our own paths, our own ways.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea because everyone knows that we can't sand each other no more. As they know we need to be away from for good, I don't know who he is any more. Where we even friends or no because I used him first and I don't regret it. It's hard with Ezra Fitz because I am with him and me being friends with Hanna. Also I am glad it has ended between us and that I don't have to stick him any more...

Thank god today is they day he gets expelled from school, which means no more drama in my live and no more texts from ' A' I hope not because if I do I will take a hissy fit at him. oh I am ready because I will have a new start at college because I don't want this at all.

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