Part seven

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TW- some swears, a joking mention of intercourse, intrusive thoughts, flirting that is very much unwanted, mention of blood, mention of death, kidnapping, murderous type of thoughts

"So, how'd it go?" Virgil asked with a grin. Remus smiled softly, then frowned, looking at his phone. He sighed, grabbing the phone and answering it.

"Hello?" Remus answered. His face fell, frowning and looking down at the floor. "I'm aware." He listened to the male for a moment. "Do- sorry" he got cut off. "Im working on it geez" He muttered, hanging up. He sighed, running his hands through his hair. Virgil simply raised a brow.

"Your boss again?" He asked. Remus simply nodded.

"The fucking prick, doesn't realize how long it takes to write a goddamn book." He hissed. "Like seriously! It takes months to years! I've had three months!" Remus snapped. Virgil blinked at him. He was used to these things. Remus often would snap, yelling at anything he could, which would eventually get turned into motivation for his book. Virgil just let him go off, knowing it would help. Virgil knew he would also stay up late that night. Virgil only hoped he would be able to finish the book. Maybe...

"How about we go work on it then? I can help you out some yeah?" He suggested. Remus nodded with a sigh.

"Yeah, alright"

"Virgil" Remus whined. Virgil rolled his eyes with a laugh.

"What now Remus?" He hummed. Virgil looked at him.

"I'm so bored!" He groaned. "I don't have to write anymore and so I'm obviously taking a break" he muttered. "But now I'm bored," he said, looking up and over at Virgil. Virgil smiled.

"Can I borrow your phone?" He hummed, holding his hand out. Remus looked at him suspiciously, before nodding slowly, handing it over. Virgil gave a sly smile, snatching the phone from him. "Thank you!" He laughed, quickly texting on it. Remus sat up.

"What are you doing?" Virgil raised a brow with a smirk.

"There happens to be a certain nerd of yours that's free today" he grinned. Remus blushed.

"Give it back!" Remus scrambled, getting up and diving for Virgil.

"Nope! Not until I set you up a date!" Virgil laughed, running right out of Remus' reach. Remus sputtered.

"We aren't dating!" Remus yelled, getting up again, chasing him.

"Yet!" He laughed.

"We aren't dating anytime soon either!!" He yelled, blushing at the thought. Virgil laughed.

"Here you are!" Virgil giggled, throwing the phone back to him. Remus caught it with a slight stumble, looking down at the texts.

"You planned it for in an hour!?" Remus yelled. "I have no time to get ready! I need to shower and change and then bus to town! You ass!" Remus yelled, blushing. Virgil snickered.

"I mean, he's taking a bus closer to here, so you have a bit of time" Virgil hummed.

"He's what!?" Remus said loudly. Virgil smiled, rolling his eyes.

"Calm yourself" He chuckled. "You're just going on a walk closer to your house, going for lunch too" Remus groaned.

"I hate you," he grumbled.

"No you don't" Virgil laughed, "hope you don't mind me stealing your food!" Remus rolled his eyes.

"Sure sure sure!" Remus yelled, running to take a shower.

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