Chapter One: Lothrats

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Midday in Tarkintown was busy. Most of the residents were repairing their home pods. Others were trying to harvest what they could from a small garden they had built near the moisture vaporators. But the garden was practically barren. There were too many toxins in the air from the Kyber crystal mining factories. The water collected from the vapor spire was useless.

For the most part everyone survived on donations from a local group of rebels known as the Spectres. When someone caught sight of their modified VCX-100 light freighter, Ghost, excitement would spread throughout the encampment like wildfire. They were grateful for the food and supplies even though it was stolen. Desperate times called for desperate measures and no one could afford to live off their pride. As tensions grew across the galaxy the Spectres' visits became less and less until they completely stopped.

Lee was sixteen and had gained the reputation as a natural leader. He was someone who everyone turned to for help. He had inherited his father's good looks and his mother's solid sense. He was determined to make a difference for the farming community. He wanted to figure out a way to get back the family farm and get permanent housing for all who had been displaced and forced to live in Tarkintown. His plan was to enroll in the Capital University and study Imperial Policies and Galactic Agricultural Engineering. He figured he could somehow combine the two and come up with a solution.

That afternoon, Lee was checking on his latest experiment of soil purification in the garden. He had designed a filter that would hopefully pull out enough toxins from the air to get clean water. Lenor followed his design and built it. They attached it to the vapor spire the week before. Now all he had to do was test the water collected to see if there was any change. The reading was slightly better but not good enough to grow safe and nutritious food.

He sighed discouraged. He was tired of this way of life. It was a constant struggle with no break in sight. He knew had talent and it was being wasted in Tarkintown. He daydreamed of leaving and making his way in the galaxy. But he didn't want to follow in his mother's footsteps. He didn't want to run away or abandon his father or sister. Especially since their father's arrest.

A month ago, Riv was arrested for operating in the capital without a vendor's license. He had been sentenced to ten years in a labor camp for the incident as well for unpaid debts from sixteen years before. Lenore was not the least bit surprised by their father's predicament. Lee was furious and had taken it upon himself to figure out a way to get Riv released. The process was tedious and annoying, but what annoyed him most was how Lenore seemed relieved that their father was no longer around.

Lenore's reputation was much different than her brother's. She was known for being curt and reckless. Many tolerated her simply for being Lee's sister. Others pitied her and assumed she was blunt and impulsive due to her father's demeanor and her mother's abandonment. She began taking trips out of Tarkintown. She never said where she went or when she'd return. The longer she was gone Lee worried she would not return. But just when he doubted her, she'd appear with a stash of food and supplies for the whole encampment. He disapproved of her tactics. Lee felt she was taking too many chances and would soon end up like their father– in jail. Lenore ignored her brother's concerns. She didn't have a plan like he did. She did what needed to be done to see another day.

With no promising results from the filter, Lee decided the remainder of the day would be better spent on preparing for his father's release case. He began to make his way back to their home when he saw Lenore speed into town like a mynock out of hell. She was on an unmarked cargo speeder with three containers in tow. The residents of Tarkintown gathered around to see what she had brought.

"Where have you been?" Lee asked, approaching through the growing crowd. Lenor smiled and began unloading the much needed food.

"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies." She said and tossed a jogan fruit to him. It was his favorite.

"Jogan!" He exclaimed. Lenore pulled back a tarp that revealed a whole case of jogans. A small group of kids pushed their way to the front of the crowd and gasped in awe. Some of them had never seen jogan before. Lenore instructed them to pass one out to everyone who wanted one. She had learned from the Spectres it was small joys like this that lifted people's spirits and kept hope alive.

"I'd thought you could use a treat with all the work you've been doing lately." Lenore didn't like all the pressure and responsibility that fell on her brother. But she also knew she couldn't discourage him from appealing their father's case. Lee would not admit that the repeal would do little to change anything. Lee was a dreamer. She was a realist.

"I wish you wouldn't steal," Lee said, looking at the jogan feeling guilty.

"Well when we can afford food I'll pay for it. Better yet when we can grow it I'll pick it myself." She said, "But until then this is the way we survive."

"Thief," Lee muttered.

"You take that back!" Lenore snapped and knocked the jogan out of his hands. She hated being called a thief. She had been called a great many things, but thief was one that irked her. So many things had been stolen from her. She knew what it felt like to truly be robbed. What she was doing wasn't the same thing. She was surviving. She wouldn't let anyone, even Lee, make her feel guilty about it. "I'm no thief."

"Fine. Lothrat then." He said. He could tell he had upset her.

"Takes one to know one," Lenore said, scooping up the jogan and tossing it back to him. The two began to walk home with their share of food."Tomorrow's the big day huh?"

"You should come." Lee said, taking a huge bite into the jogan. Tomorrow he was filing the appeal. "He's been asking for you."

"Not only are you a lothrat, but you're a liar too." Lenore said annoyed. For the last three weeks Lee had gone to see Riv in jail. He had asked her to come along but she always found an excuse to stay behind.

"Well I think you should come. Even if he hasn't asked for you." He said firmly. He knew part of the reason Lenore refused to come was she had never truly forgiven their father for losing their home. She blamed him for their mother leaving as well. "If anything, come for me. I hate going there alone."

"Alright. Only 'cus it's you," Lenore reluctantly agreed. "Lay off the jedi mind tricks would ya. " She entered their home pod the two of them had managed to fix up nicely. She hung up her utility belt and vest in the entryway.

"That's not the only reason Lenore." He knew his sister still loved their father but he needed to remind her of it from time to time. "He's our father."

"I'll be ready when you are." She sighed. That fact was something she could never erase. But she also wasn't very excited to go to the capital.

The Renegade: Episode I: The Compliantحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن