Chapter Two: The Choice

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Lee knew the capital well at this point. After visiting Riv, Lee would explore the city and had made his way to the University. He had made a few friends in the past few weeks, but there was one in particular whom he thought was quite special. Her name was Rya.

Rya Dax was two years older than Lee. She was tall and had golden hair she kept neatly braided around the crown of her head. The first day Lee was on campus he asked her for directions to a moisture farming equipment workshop.

"Do you want to be a farmer?" Rya asked

"I already am one sort of," he said. She made him feel shy which was a first for him.

"Then what's a farm boy like you doing out here in the capital?" She smiled. "Have enough droids to do the crop dusting for you?"

He liked her immediately. He told her about his father and his plans to enroll in the University when the time came. Rya smiled emphatically and offered to show him around. As horrible as it was to see his father in jail, he was glad he got to see Rya after each visit.

"If you really want to make a change Lee," She said holding his hand, "Going to University is not going to do anything."

"What will?" Lee asked desperately. Rya smiled and lifted her shirt collar revealing a pin. It was the emblem of the Rebel Alliance. She was a rebel.

"Pickings must be slim." Lenore pointed to a recruitment poster for the Imperial Academy posted in the Jail's Petition Office.

Be A Part of the Empire.

Do your part.Join.

It had a stormtrooper posing with a blaster. It was well designed. Glorifying the most expendable, and keeping the Empire's grasp on its citizens with a false sense of safety.

"Seems like the Empire is everywhere." Lee said.

"What'd ya think being occupied meant?" Lenore sarcastically laughed.

"Just making an observation." Lee remarked. He knew Lenore was most sarcastic when she was uncomfortable. He couldn't blame her. They were surrounded by many different characters in the waiting room. Some looked as though they should be inside the jail instead of outside it.

"Maybe keep your observations to yourself in this crowd," Lenore said as she pointed to a small patrol group of stormtroopers walking down the hall.

"Now serving number JR-349," the CZ droid working the window called. The two of them got up and approached the droid. "Filing Number."

"5834." Lee said and motioned for Lenore to come closer to the window.

"Prisoner Number?" The droid asked.

"497-RT. Name is Riv Tersu." Lee said.

"Prisoner number will suffice." The droid said and took the paperwork and entered the information into the computer.

"Sounds like a cool blaster model if you ask me," Lenore whispered to Lee. He rolled his eyes. He had had enough of her remarks for the day. "What?! It does."

"Oh dear." The droid said and turned to Lee.

"What?" Lee asked. His stomach turned. He feared he was too late and his father had already been transferred to a labor camp.

"The petition can not be filed because Prisoner 497- RT has expired." The droid jerked to the left and buzzed for a supervisor.

"Expired? What do you mean?" Lee asked. Lenore knew what the droid meant and she put her hand on his shoulder. Lee knocked her hand away.

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