Chapter Six: Betrayal

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Lenore's heart raced and she was short of breath. She needed to calm herself. Drawing attention to herself would make the dangerous situation worse. Protocol called to separate prisoners in order to intimidate and extract information. But hopefully it wouldn't take too much time to find Lee.

"TK-932 what are you doing here?" asked the trooper on guard.

She was in luck. They were holding them as a group in a large cell with a force shield barrier.

"Hey TK-127. Came to check in." She said. Keeping things brief would work in her favor.

"Check in?" TK-127 said puzzled. "Unit 56 is on transport detail."

"We are. But they assigned TK-421 to fill in for TK-888. Needless to say, we finished early. " She confirmed. TK-127 nodded. "Shame during ascension week."

"I know," T-127 said. "I was all set to go to the cantina. Then this scum showed up." He motioned to the rebels. Lenore peeked over his shoulder and saw one of the rebels making an offensive gesture.

"Scum indeed." She said, "Well since you seem to have this under control I'll just head back out. There's a Gamorrean match up tonight."

"Wait, you've been out already?" he said.

"Unit-56 doesn't mess around." she said proudly. "We were out enjoying the festivities, but came back at the mention of rebels. Thought we could lend a hand."

"Well-" he was hooked. "Actually I could use some help for an hour or so."

"An hour?"

"Fine forty five minutes!" He bargained.

"Look," she said. "Why don't you go and enjoy the festivities for the night. I'll keep an eye on the riff raff. Not like they're going anywhere."

"Really?" he said. "Thanks TK-932. You're the best."

"Bring me back some spice rolls." she added.

"You got a dozen coming your way." He said and left his post. She approached the cell.

"Look who's calling scum scum?" One of the rebels muttered.

"Don't waste your energy,"another said. "They're just bucketheads. Empty inside."

"Quite you two," Rya said. She was leaning up against Lee. Lenore watched them. The two of them were the ones in charge. "No use in making a bad situation worse."

"Do you share your friends' opinion?" Lenore asked Lee. Lee looked perplexed. He looked at the three others of his crew, and then Rya.

"Does the opinion of a rebel really matter to a stormtrooper?"He asked. He sounded tired. She wondered what he had faced since she last saw him.

"No," She said. This was it. She had a choice to make. "But my brother's opinion matters." His face changed entirely. Rya approached the shield barrier slowly.

"Lenore?" Rya asked, Lenore didn't answer. She was waiting for Lee to say something.

"Lee, your sister is a stormtrooper?" the nameless rebel asked in disbelief.

"Talk about a complicated family," the other remarked.

"Quiet." Rya commanded. "Lee, say something."

"I'd hoped I'd never see you again." Lee said. "Especially like this."

"Lee!" Rya protested. She truly sounded like she wanted to help.

"I suppose you're just dying to tell me 'I told you so'." Lee remarked.

"It's not her fault." Rya said. "She's not the one that arrested us."

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