Chapter 8: The Rebel

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Lenore awoke to a K-X series droid looking down at her. "Good, you are not dead. The wound in your shoulder reopened and you lost a significant amount of blood. I did the best I could, but I'm not a medic droid."

She turned her aching head. She must have hit it when she jumped from the speeder. They were in a tunnel of some sort, most likely underground, with a small fire off to the side. She sat up and her shoulder began to throb along with her head. She couldn't remember much of what had happened once she hit the floor. She remembered seeing a man with a jacket that had the name Andor on it and then everything went black.

The droid probably knew what happened. She could ask him. Before the Imperial Army, she hadn't encountered many droids. She knew most Imperial droids were just like troopers, loyal to a fault. Only difference was they were programmed that way, just like the clones had been.

"K-X what's your series number? Where are we? "

"You are my prisoner. You don't get to ask questions." The droid said. Lenore frowned. K-X series usually were excellent security droids but some had been known to malfunction.

"She's not a prisoner K-2." said Andor as he walked over to the fire with food in hand.

"If she's not a prisoner, why did you bind her hands?" The droid questioned. A good question Lenore thought as she looked down at her wrists.

"Apologies," He said as he undid the bindings. "Didn't want to take any chances."

She nodded and rubbed her wrists once they were free.

"Let's start again shall we. My name is K-2SO. And this is Cassian Andor," the droid said. "Though Cassian calls me K-2 for short." Andor and Lenore exchanged looks attempting to read one another.

"I'm TK-," she stopped herself. "I'm Lenore. Lenore Tersu."

"Captain Tersu's sister." K-2 confirmed. "Tersu is quite good looking. I have to say I don't see the family resemblance."

"Well, clearly your programming is off," She said, offended. "I guess thanks to him."

"My programming is just fine!" K-2 responded. "I am a reprogrammed Imperial droid thanks to Cassian."

"He tried to kill me." Cassian took a seat by the fire and began to eat.

"Twice."K-2 added. "But I still get the urge to try again from time to time."

"Third time's the charm they say." She joked. Cassian paid no mind to the comment.

"She's funny. I suggest she join our crew. Would livin up the conversation on board." K-2 said.

"Imperials. Always sticking together." Cassian mumbled. "I suggest you eat. Meals tend to be scarce when you're on the run from the Empire."

Lenore studied him. He had strikingly good looks, she had to admit. She could tell he had been a soldier for a while. His demeanor was quiet, his mind elsewhere, and his posture was in a state of alert. The Imperial Corps members were like this. She had heard of some of the things they had seen. She could only imagine what this man had seen, let alone done.

"Did my brother send you?" She asked and took a seat. She took the bowl of food into her hands but hadn't decided to eat yet. She was slightly nauseated from the rush of the day .

"Tersu?" Andor chewed. "No. His wife is the one you can thank. She said you helped her and their unit escape off the Imperial Base."

"Excuse me but I beg to differ," K-2 interjected. "I'm the one that suggested we go back and look for the stormtrooper that helped them." She realized K-2 was the same KX unit she had seen in the Market Sector. She shook her head and laughed. Brix had been right.

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