Chapter Five: Reunion

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Unit 56 surveyed the convoys inch by inch. It was a tedious job, but all the chatter of the new station made the time go by fast. Everyone was buzzing with excitement, all except Lenore.

"What kind of civilians are these carrying?" TK-345 asked

"It's not civilians dummy!" TK-454 scolded. "Precious cargo. Didn't you hear the officer tell TK-249?"

"Well a civilian could be 'precious cargo" TK-345 defended.

"Not with these many freights." TK-454 argued.

"Maybe it's for the new space station." TK-421 interjected. He had been assigned temporarily to Unit 56 while TK-888 recovered in the infirmary. "Probably needs a lot of supplies. Did you see the size of that thing?"

"Yes TK-421 we were all there," TK-345 responded sarcastically. She was not his biggest fan. Mostly because he stated the obvious and had no opinion of his own. In many ways he was the perfect stormtrooper.

"I heard it's a weapon," TK-421 continued,"It could wipe out entire fleets.....even planets."

"Don't be ridiculous," 454 said. "How much fire power would that even take?"

"Too much for your imagination," TK-345 said.

"You all sound like a bunch of protocol droids." Harillo came over to stop the debate. "Less chit chat and more scanning." He noticed Lenore was not joining in on the banter, which was unusual for her. "You're quieter than usual," He said to her. She shrugged and continued to scan the freighter. "Alright, come on." He took Lenore by the arm and led her off the freighter.

"TK-249!" She protested. "We have work to do."

"Let the others handle it. We got extra help." He said. "What is it? Is it this afternoon? "

"No 'rillo-" She said and stopped shortly. She usually didn't let his name slip when they were in uniform. "TK-249 I mean. I...well you know I was raised on a farm in Lothal."

"Yes and then your father made some bad investments and your family was evicted." He recapped. It was touching that he remembered.

"The slum we lived in. We-," she was having a harder time telling him than she thought she would. "The residents called it Tarkintown."

"Creative. I think you told me that once."

"I've only heard of him up until now," she didn't want to admit it but she was scared. "Seeing him in person, I don't know, it's disorienting."

"Does he live up to his reputation?" He joked. "What ? You can dish it out but can't take it?"

"I guess after three years of service I'm still just a lothrat." She said matter of factly.

"You've come a long way from the encampments TK-932. And with this new opportunity you'll go even farther. But you'll always be a Lothrat. My favorite kind of rodent."

"I don't know. I doubt this new post is what everyone anticipates. I just have a bad feeling about it. Nothing good has ever come from Tarkin." She said and immediately wished she hadn't.

Harillo was even surprised. Such a statement could get her a week in the detention level. He could sense something was not right with his partner.

"Look," He walked her further away from the convoys. "Go get out of uniform and head into town. Pick up your winnings and blow off some steam. Get your head straight. It's been a long day. I'll cover for you."

"Are you sure?" she asked. He knew exactly what she needed.

"Yes." he confirmed. "And for christ sake have a drink. That's an order Tersu. Now go." She patted him on the shoulder and headed toward her quarters to change. A night off base would do her some good.

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