Meet the Characters

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Little bit of basic info about the characters

Amanda Clarke: Engaged to Aiden Mathis. Originally married to Daniel Grayson but divorced him around 11 months ago. Hates the Grayson's and the Grayson's hate her. Was secretly Emily Thorne but swapped identities with the real Emily Thorne back when she was younger. (Hence how she chose the name for her baby). Godmother to Carl Porter. Was supposedly sterilized after getting shot.  

Aiden Mathis: Engaged to Amanda Clarke. Was always apart of her plan to ruin the Grayson's. Briefly dated Niko Takeda years ago. Hates the Grayson's and the Grayson's hate him. *SPOILERS* (does not die like in the show). Obviously very shocked to be a father but getting used to it all. Hides real emotions.

Emily Mathis: (Surname not mentioned in story). Aiden and Amanda's baby. Nolan Ross is her godfather (not mentioned in the story). 6 months old. Named after Amanda's late best friend.

Nolan Ross: Amanda's best friend. Worked with her father so has always looked out for her. Always been apart of her plan. Good friends with Jack Porter. Does not like the Grayson's, the Grayson's couldn't care less about him. Friends with Aiden Mathis.

Jack Porter: Amanda's childhood crush. Became friends then drifted because of drama but got close again. Doesn't always trust Aiden but they are still friends. Has a 2 year old son named Carl Porter. Hates the Grayson's and the Grayson's dislike him. Blames the death of his late wife (real Emily Thorne, not the one mentioned earlier) on the Grayson's.

Carl Porter: Jack's baby. Around 2 years old. Mother died when a few months old, always been with Father. Amanda is his godmother. Named after his Grandfathers.

Daniel Grayson: Amanda's ex. Shot Amanda after hearing lies the night of their wedding. Has a space in his heart for her despite everything but doesn't show that. Parents are Victoria and Conrad Grayson (terrible people, not really mentioned in the story). Didn't realize Amanda even had a baby. Supposedly sterilized Amanda when he shot her. 

Victoria Grayson: Daniel's Mum. Hates Amanda, Aiden and Jack. Wanted to break Daniel and Amanda up throughout their entire relationship. Is partially the reason Daniel shot Amanda. Just hates everyone. (Not really mentioned in the story).

Niko Takeda: Dated Aiden in Japan not long after first dating Amanda. Always been jealous of Amanda and wants to also get rid of her. Aiden killed Niko's father (not mentioned) so is a little angry still over that. Wants to get back with Aiden.

If you guys are confused about what is happening feel free to comment and ask questions and I will happily answer them for you :)

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