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"Amanda, can we talk about this?" Aiden asks.

I stop and turn around. "What's there to talk about? How can you explain what Niko said and why you were even there?" I yell.

"I didn't have a choice," he replies. "Niko's strong, she trained with you".

"That doesn't explain it" I yell.

"Just sit down then" he yells back. I heavily sit down onto the couch and cross my arms. Aiden puts Emily in her rocker and sits back down.

"Ok I woke up to the sound of a door knocking, or something like that. You were still asleep so I went downstairs to see what was happening. Niko was there. Why she was there, I've got no clue but she was there. I asked her what the hell she was doing here and she said that I had to go with her. I refused but she held up a gun and said that if I didn't go she would shoot you or Emily, so I went." He inhales and exhales. I just stare at him in shock. "When we got there she knocked me out and I woke up tied up to the pillar. I didn't get the full explanation out of her but it was something along the lines of jealousy".

I sit in shock, my mouth wide open. No words want to come out of my mouth.

"So" I try to start. "Why was she so jealous? You hadn't really seen her in a long time." Aiden sits back in his chair.

"The last time I saw her was when you were in hospital. She was probably jealous then because you were scaring the living daylights out of me and she probably wanted me to be with her. Probably took her over a year to figure out where I was too" he says.

I sit up a bit. "Why did you throw me halfway across the room then?" I ask.

"I don't know. Out of anger or because I thought you were going to kill her" he replies.

I roll my eyes. "Because I would kill someone" I mumble.

"Hey you were pretty damn close ok" he laughs. I laugh and roll my eyes. I start to yawn. "Go to bed," Aiden whispers. I nod slowly. He gets up as I get up and quickly kisses my forehead. I try to ignore it but smile slightly.

I pick up Emily and take her upstairs. I lay her down gently into her bassinet and then I lay down in bed next to her. It's the first time I've slept by myself in a long time. The bed feels lonely but I stand my ground with Aiden.

Hours pass and I've not been able to sleep at all. Emily on the other hand has slept the best she has her entire life, of course it had to be tonight. I get up quietly and go to the top of the staircase. I look down at Aiden, peacefully sleeping on the couch. The power of comfort overpowers the power of anger. I quickly grab the baby monitor and take it downstairs with me. I sit it on the table next to Aiden and I gently lift the blanket off of him. I slowly lay down on him, my head laying on his warm chest. I put the blanket back over and snuggle down. Aiden barely stirs, a sign that he must be exhausted. I almost immediately fall asleep on him.

I don't know what to say anymore lol.

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