Grayson's are Back

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"Hey thanks for helping me move these things" Nolan says. "Come back to mine for coffee". I jolt back up and out of my own little world.

"Ok really quick though, Aiden's with Emily and, it's a long story" I reply.

"It's something that doesn't have to do with what's happened the last few days? Wow ok we better go now then" he laughs. We go back to our cars and head to Nolan's.

"So, spill everything" he says, handing me a coffee and sitting next to me.

"Well you know how Niko took him the other day? She came over this morning trying to explain herself. I don't know if Aiden got all the details because he kicked her out when I got there but apparently she was working for the Grayson's and they wanted to 'torture' him. So I'm worried about leaving Aiden by himself, or with a baby in case they come after him again" I sigh.

Nolan sparks up. "I've still got your security cameras connected to my computer" he gets up and opens his laptop. I laugh.

"Even we don't check those, they might not even work". Nolan opens up the camera in the lounge room. I see Aiden asleep on the couch with Emily on his chest.

"Well that's cute," he says. I smile. Nolan flicks through the other cameras until he gets to the front door camera.

"Wait, stop there" I say. I see Daniel walking towards the house. "Why is he there?" I say, calling him. I see him on the camera picking up his phone.

"I was just about to go to your house," he says. "I know I can see you. What do you want? Aiden and Emily are asleep inside." I say. Daniel looks confused.

"Who is Emily and why is your fiancé asleep with her?". My eyes shoot wide open and I look at Nolan.

"He doesn't know about her?" Nolan mimes. I shake my head, still shocked.

"That doesn't matter, I'm not home so" I say.

"Well, I want to talk to you, where are you?" he asks. I look at Nolan.

"Invite him here" he mimes again. I look at him like he's crazy.

"I-I'm at Nolan's" I say.

"I'm coming over," he replies, hanging up the phone. I lay back on the couch.

"I really just want to go home, I don't want to explain this again" I say to Nolan.

"Well he will want to know sooner or later so you might as well just get it over and done with now" he replies. I sigh.

"And the 'girl' that's with Aiden right now. How does he not know about her?" Nolan asks.

"He went away 2 months after he shot me and I was still so small nobody knew I was pregnant and he came back like 3 months ago and I guess he just hasn't seen me with her" I say.

"Good luck trying to explain that one then" Nolan laughs. I roll my eyes.

This ones boring too lolz

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