The Trip Home

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I get to the car and strap the carrier into the middle seat next to Aiden and then I get into the front seat. The car ride is quiet again. I look up into the mirror and see Aiden with his hand in the carrier, gently stroking Emily's face. He smiles at her. I sigh in relief. If he were mad then he wouldn't want to be touching a baby. We get home and Nolan secretly gives me the thumbs up to make sure I'm ok. I do it back in return and smile.

"I'll probably see you tomorrow then, bye" he says as I get the carrier out.

"Bye" I say smiling. Aiden carries the pram inside while I carry the carrier. I put Emily down on her mat with her toys and then I check my phone. 8 o'clock.

"Too early for bed" I think to myself. Aiden lays down next to Emily who has already fallen asleep. He nudges closer to her and puts an arm around her. I get up and head upstairs, at least I trust him with her. I hop in the shower and gently hold the back of my head in the warm water. I hear Aiden briefly come upstairs, possibly putting Emily in her bassinet. When I finish I get dressed ready for bed. I leave the bathroom and something grabs my hand.

"Amanda," Aiden says. I jump backwards and put a hand up to my chest.

"God Aiden, you scared the crap out of me. He gets up and stands right in front of me.

"Ok things are very bad between us, I realize that but I am truly, very sorry for what happened. Today, yesterday, our whole lives" he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. "I'm really sorry" he whispers and gently kisses my forehead.

I turn my head down and pull away. My head is sore and I'm exhausted. I go downstairs and Aiden follows right on my tail.

"Please Amanda, just talk to me," he says. I get my medication out and take it.

"Ok" I say looking at him. "What do you want to talk about?".

"Look I did not want you getting hurt, I regretted everything once I saw you fall. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" he says holding my hand.

I shake my head and go back to my room. "Amanda" he says as I shut my door on his face.

I hear him slide down the door. "I just want to talk, I want to sort this out," I hear him whisper.

I slide down the door too. A tear falls from my eye. "How can we fix this mess?" I whisper back.

I hear him sniffle. "I don't know," he says. My eyes fill with tears. I hear him slowly get up from the door and head downstairs. I wipe the tears away and get up and hop into bed and attempt to fall asleep.

Sad, sad

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