Princess Peach has wings?

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Credit to Kadeart for the photo

" Don't do that again unless you wan to be devoured immediately" Hawks whispered in my ear.

 He pulled away leaving a lingering warmth around my ear and on my neck. I stood there trying to process what just happened. It played over and over in my head, my face was growing redder and redder. I could've been standing there for five minutes or more I don't know but what snapped me out of it was the red feather gently pulling out of my hands. 

I ripped my eyes up from the ground and look around. Hawks was over there talking with Eli about a game and he handed him a controller. Hawks motioned me over there by them with a wave of his hand. I went over there to see what they wanted. "Well, for some reason Hawks just challenged me to a round of Mario Kart race." Eli snorted in a haughty manner.

  Oh no I thought. He's in for a world of hurt on his tower of ego. 

" Well I'm most defiantly joining in on this." I said, even though I knew I wasn't going to win.

 The kid was like a merciless demon when it comes to that game. Eli scooted over to the left cushion while Hawks got the middle and I had the right end. He leaned forwards and then handed me a pink Wii controller when his back reconnected with the couch.

 " Why do you even have one of these?" I ask the Hawks. 

The dude had a pink Wii controller sitting on his table while the rest are either red or black. I sat there and watched Eli bring the screen up to choose the characters. I had to beat Eli at getting to Luigi first, that was the only way I'd win this race. I moved my Wii controller but over shot it while Eli had moved with accurate precision. I moved it to my second choice, Mario, but I saw that it was already taken. I threw my head back and yelled why for a little while.

 " What's wrong with your sister?" He asked leaning over to ask Eli. 

"I don't know, I think she was dropped on her head at birth. But she usually picks Mario." Eli answered him.

 While they were talking I had picked Princess Peach. I was sitting over here looking at them with a dead stare. 

" I'm sitting right here, hello." Hawks turned around to me and grabbed the controller from my hands.

 I gave him a "oh lets go boi," look, like I wanted to kill him.

He deselected Peach from my controller and he reselected Peach from the screen with his and then used mine to give me Mario. At last he handed me back my pink Wii remote. 

" Wait we need snacks." Hawks suddenly announced. 

"Where are you going to get snacks. I don't see a bar for them." I questioned.

 He got up and I followed setting down the remote. 

He moved through the areas between the arcade games and console games like it was nothing. Me on the other hand was lost and tripping over cords. I would often see flashes of his red wings or blond hair. I didn't even really find him until I knocked him over sending up into a tangle of limbs and cords on  the floor. 

My face was planted in between his tone pecs, my right hand on his abdomen, and my left not really holding me up from the floor. I lifted my head to see him just staring at me with the same look he did five minutes ago. 

Coldness shifted against my back. I glanced back there to see Hawks hands sneaked underneath my shirt slightly and his left hand grabbed my chin turning my head back towards him. My eyes widened at the feeling of something moving up in between my legs. Beneth me one side of his hips shifted and refitted itself to me. The hand on my back added more pressure to me, pressing me even closer to him.

 With heavy-lidded eyes he leaned his head towards me, tilting my head up using his hand, he moved closer to my face. I knew I should have turned my head away but I didn't. I didn't want to and that scared me. I closed my eyes knowing what was going to happen, because in all romance movies when this happens the main character always gets kissed and then it leads somewhere else.

 A minute passed and nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see him just staring at me. I took this pause in the moment to get up from him.

 " I'm going to go back to the couch." I said not looking him in the eyes, because at this moment the way he's looking at me and the way he's positioned on the floor, I would get back down there and not hesitate to kiss him that time. 

"Okay." He said and that was all I got from him before I started to walk away but I got pulled short when he grabbed my hand.

 " I'm sorry, okay, starting over again was a bust." He laughed. 

I couldn't help but nervously laugh with him. He let go and went the way he was walking . I turned around and heard a big crash somewhere. 

" Are you okay?" I called after him. 

"Yeah." He yelled back at me. 

I kept walking back towards the couch, weaving in and out of the space between the games. I made it back to the couch and Eli. I plopped down and picked the Wii controller back up.

 " Where's the bird?" Eli asked me. 

I pointed my thumb back at the mini arcade back there. I am not going back there again. The cold place that was once warm on my back told me not to. A cup suddenly dangled me in front of me reinforced be a little vermilion feather. I grabbed the cup and took a drink from it. The feather disappeared and then started to slowly place itself in my hair. I reached up and tried to pull it out, but it kept shrinking back when I tried.

 Eventually I just gave up. Hawks plopped right down beside me holding three bags of chips and a feather holding up a bowl of popcorn. 

" Alright let's get this show on the road." Hawks said.

I love teasing yall with fluff, just shows how much we all need holy water                                                   -Wing

Word count: 1,091

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