Burning scars

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Song: Say- Ruel

Ugh. My head was thundering in pain when I woke up. My eyes unfiltered to the light stung and burned, making me squint. I pushed myself off the bed I was sleeping on, and threw the covers to the side, standing up. That's when my stomach decided to do a backflip. I looked around until seeing a door. Dashing out the doorway I came to the toilet that I saw in the corner, hurling my guts up. 

After the last gag, I wiped my mouth and looked around. What!?! Kanji you traitor this was the last place I wanted to go to. I'm tearing you to shreds when I see you next time. I was back in my own bathroom in Hawks penthouse. Fortunately, I was not in my dress anymore but in a large gray shirt and shorts. George strikes again. I walked out to the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee cooking in the kitchen. Sitting down on one of the stools there, I place my arms and then my head in between them and groaned out loud. 

"Your head hurt kid?" Hawks asked me. 

He was wearing a black shirt that said, "I didn't chose the nug life it chose me" along with gray sweats. I just groaned out louder as a response. 

"Here." He said as he slid me a plate of eggs and bacon along with a cup of light colored coffee. 

I mumbled a quick thanks and started eat the eggs first. Surprisingly, they were good. Hawks pulled out a stool beside me and sat down. I didn't bother looking over at him. I remember yelling at him in the car, then meeting Kanji at her night job and blacking out. 

" Look-"


I started, only to end up speaking over Hawks. We both chuckled nervously and then an awkward silence consumed the mood.

 Sitting there for at least another solid five minutes, he finally spoke, " I'm sorry for asking about your relationship with that guy. It seems that it was private and a touchy subject. I'm sorry about that. " 

He said, looking at me with an apologetic face. I set my fork down on my plate and turned towards him looking him in the face,

"Thanks, and well I'm sorry for keeping secrets but you really don't know me as you think you do. " I said, looking down at my hands fiddling with my fingers.

 A heavy feeling placed itself down on my shoulder, making me look up. 

"Hey, I can keep a secret so don't be afraid to tell me alright?" I scoffed slightly and went back to eating. 

"Hey, look at me." Hawks said.

 Keeping my gaze forwards I picked up my cup of coffee and took a small sip from it, trying not to burn the roof of my mouth, and started to set it down. Halfway there, something lightly grabbed my chin and turned it to my side where I was looking Hawks in his golden eyes. I froze, staring at him in surprise. I really didn't expect him to take action like this. 

"Now that I have your attention, I'm not going to judge you or spill anything. As far as I know right now, I've done worse." He said, staring back at me. 

The coffee cop in my hand had decided to start slipping and fell out from my grip, almost crashing into the table violently. My head jerked back in surprise when his mouth brushed against mine slightly when he went after the coffee cup, stimulating the surface of my lips with that slight contact. He caught it and set it down gently. I jerked back too hard cause I started to lose balance and felt a strong support on the small of my back press into my skin through the material of my shirt. Part of the table was pressed into the lower part of my back and his hand had placed itself about two inches above. Looking behind me at his hand, I could my face start to burn red from embarrassment. 

" Hey can you please look at me?" He asked softly.

 His eyes looked like they had melted and were softer than usual. I couldn't help but be entranced to stare back him. His face drew closer until I could feel his hot breath tickling my nose and eyelashes. I could see the stubble on his chin and the wisps of his hair in the sides of my vision. My breath hitched at realized at how close he was. He chuckled realizing the effect he had on me such a close distance.

 "Screw this, I'm done of trying to stay away from you." He whispered roughly into my forehead.

 His hand went back to my chin and jerked it up and kissed me straight on the side of my lips teasing me. I froze not seeing this happening at all. Then he shifted to my lips kissing them slowly and sensually, making me feel every second of it. He pulled back making me feel slightly disappointed at the motion. His forehead was placed against mine out eyes staring straight into each other. We breathed heavily until he spoke up.

 " Sorry I don't know what over came me I- " He said before I kissed him back.

  Just please shut the fuck up. I balled his shirt up into my fist and planted my lips back on his. His mouth was frozen in surprise but started to move on mine again. This time it wasn't slow but hard and heated full of passion like he was waiting for awhile for it. His hands hand moved to the table placed on both sides of where I was leaning into the counter top. His lips forced mine open and he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

 I gasped when this happened and place my hands on his shoulders for support from falling over on the counter. Our tongues fought for dominance only to ended up with him winning. I started to run out of breath. How long can he hold his breath. We pulled apart only when we heard a clash in behind us. We looked behind us at the cause of the noise. Eli stood there gawking at what he was staring at. I had to be a just a great sight, my face red and flustered. My hair said in my and my clothes slightly wrinkled. 

" Oh I am so done with life!" He yelled, throwing his arms up in the air and stormed out of the kitchen.

Time to spice things up hehe- Wing

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