Free Fall

31 2 0

Song: Solo - Prismo

"Okay so how's the view?" Keigo said, showing me where his favorite perch in the city was.

 Where we sat was the roof of a ninety-five tall building with reflective one sided windows, with the building made out of iron, aluminum, zinc and whatever other metals I could sense in the construction. I pushed the white lined hood of my hero costume back. What it looked like was a long trench coat with a hood and white straps with metal buckles on the end attached to the zipper area. 

The design on the back was one of my own, with twin dragons flying together that ended up on the top of my hood. My lower half was covered by a black microfiber tights that regulated my body temperature as I would fly. I was also wearing tall black boots, and fitted lightweight armor around my chest area. It was smooth and went up to a face mask that I can make disappear with a touch on the side of my neck that was attached to the armor. Black fingerless gloves were the last piece to my hero outfit. 

" Nice, not as bad as I thought it would be." I said, pressing the side of my neck, releasing the mask on my face. 

" Thank you. Seeing you right now I'm not surprised if you pulled out a dang katana right now." Keigo answered me, looking down at my side. 

Daggers and useful tools were tied to my upper right thigh in incase of any problems I'd be stuck in. 

" Oh I usually do, two of them to be exact, it's just since I'm on hero patrol I figured it would be wrong too." I answered, shrugging my shoulders.

 Keigo stood up and walked to the edge, turning around so his face was towards me.

 " Try and keep up." He said falling backwards, the last of his words disappearing within the wind.

 I smiled and chuckled and ran after him. Swan diving off the roof, the mask shifted in place helping me breathe easier. I spotted him below me side by side with the windows, his reflection free falling with him. Metal flew off the building and giant black glinting wings formed at my back allowing me to control my free fall. I tucked them in allowing me to dive faster, catching up with him. Keigo fanned out his red wings, pulling out of the dive faster than me. I kept on, falling closer and closer to the ground. 

" Y/N what do you think you're doing!?! Pull up you're going to crash!" Keigo's voice screamed in a comlink that was in my right ear. 

" Doing something flashy, cool, and a little overrated." I said, brushing off his command with my answer. 

I pulled up last second causing a large gust of wind that gathered everyone's attention, their heads turning to me as I glided over them. Looking around, lights from buildings and signs shone in the glass buildings making it look like a mosaic of neon colors. A few people had their phones out videoing me, some hands held up for a high five. I gave them high fives and waved before pulling up into the dark night sky disappearing from view of the phone cameras. 

" What do you think you're doing? You could have messed up and killed that little boy down there. One of the rules of being a hero, never do anything that would endanger the life of a civilian. No matter the circumstances." He lectured at me in a stern voice when I came back up to meet him. " There's ruled for a reason even though I hate them. "

 " Sorry I won't do that again." I said bowing my head at him slightly in apology.

 " But that was a nicely pulled up dive. It will give you publicity. We'll know in the morning if it's a good kind of publicity." Keigo answered me. " Now what do you see down there?"

 I surveyed the area around me looking for any abnormalities. People walked and roamed the streets beneath us, some walking into stores, others going to pubs and restaurants. Others stood and talked in the alleyways and the homeless sat on the ground, leaning against the walls bundled up in covers. But the one thing that stood out to me the most was the young woman walking down a random alley wrapped up in a large fur jacket. She looked to be in her twenties, wearing red strap up heels. 

Three men were following her, staying far behind to make sure they weren't seen or noticed. Immediately taking off streaking across the dark night sky, I landed behind the black haired woman after dodging buildings to make it there. She spun around in surprise looking at me with a face of fear, falling down on the ground from the sudden gust of wind.

 "Looks like we have a child playing hero." One of the men said the word spewing out of his mouth like poison.

 The smell of vodka and soju wafted over to me making me recoil in disgust. They were drunk and high as hell.

 " Sir, you're drunk please turn around and walk away, I don't want to have to engage." I warned them.

 " Aw look at that she's trying to be threatening." The man leaning against the dumpster called out. " Why don't you take your mask off, we all could have fun." 

" Sirs, please turn around and we can act like none of this happened. This is the last time I'm warning you all." I said spreading my wings out to seem larger. 

All they did was laugh. " Looks like she's a fan of that hero, what's his name. Pigeon?" The last one called out, walking out from the dark of the alley. 

They all laughed at the remark that he made. 

" First of all his name is Hawks and second leave now." I said, sounding angry now. 

The man that came out of the alley last kept walking up to me and grabbed me by my wrist, wrenching it to the left, scowling in my face.

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