Mario scores me a date

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Credit to Kadeart for the photo

" Are you really sure about playing as Princess Peach?" I asked him cocking one of my eyebrows.

 He looked at me like I've grown an extra head out the side of my neck. Then he does the dumbest thing ever. 

He hopped up from the couch, jumped up on the table and threw a fist up into the air and yelled in the most shrill voice," I'M PRINCESS PEACH." 

He fluttered his eyes at no one at that moment. Eli looks at him like he's lost his marbles and just suggested a game of pin the tail on the donkey and he was the donkey.

 I doubled over at the words and how they were said. Eli's look just finished it all off for me. I try to regain my stability but I keep laughing at him.

 "Hey either you play or you don't play at all." Eli said.

I pulled myself up and regained my sanity at the most part. 

Hawks set himself back down on the couch and looked like he was ready win against a twelve year old kid which let me tell you is not going to happen if Eli has a say in it. Eli decided to go one hundred and fifty CCs and then chose Waluigi's Pinball. I reached over and snatched the popcorn bucket from hawks and took a large handful and started to eat from that. 

He pouted back at me and I rolled my eyes, caving to him, and gave him back the popcorn.

"  Hey, do you have any sour punch straws?" Eli asked.

 Hawks tossed him a package of blue raspberry straws. Eli finally pushed start after shoving at least three of them into his mouth. As soon as it hit start I knew that this was going to happen. 

Eli ended up in first, I took second, and well Hawks had third and didn't look all too happy about it.  

"Ready to lose to me, redcap?" Hawks laughed at me.

 Oh if he wanted banter I would give it to him. 

"Not as much as you are Princess." I retorted at him.

 " Well thanks for the compliment Dove. Never thought I looked good enough to be called that." Hawks joked.

 He dragged a hand through his hair trying to style it but it just came back more disheveled than before.

 " Stop flirting please. You're going to kill me. Bleh, why even bother." Eli snapped at us.

 I laughed at the way he was struggling to even try to pass me.

 "Ha, I will pass you!" He confidently said. 

We had made the first bend around the track when he said this. Right as I hit the power up cube, I ended up with three mushrooms. A Lord of the Rings moment passed through my head.

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" I yelled and hit the x button.

 My avatar sped up leaving him to eat my dust. Looked over at him and he was still moving the character but his face looked like his soul left his body. I waved a feather in front of his face to wake him up from his poor state of mind. Hawks snapped out of it and regained control. He made it behind me and started to slam his cart into the back of mine. 

" Hey, that's cheating." I said, trying not to lose control of the cart."

 As much as he tried to take advantage he couldn't. When we made the second to last bend he smacked into a banana left behind by Eli. A green streak went past me and hawks and I looked over at Eli. He had already lapped us in the time we were fighting for second. Hawks and I glanced over at each other then just stared ahead at the screen. 

We had both decided that he was not going to win this race and if he did we would fight to the death for second place on here. As soon as I saw Hawks grab a red shell I moved back so he could hit Eli. That barely did anything as soon as we passed the second lap and Eli hit his last one. I moved ahead of Hawks and he started to slightly bump my arm over and over with his elbow.

 I leaned over to the side to get him to stop but he just continued moving with me. In the end I had my head on the couch arm while he was still elbowing my arm. I started to fight back to have my original spot again. I maneuvered myself in front of him and stole his power up, earning three bananas. 

" Thief, you know I really have the ability to arrest you. I hope ya know that." I scoff at him and drop all three behind me.

 " Hey whoa what happened to the truce that we made before." I looked over at Eli. He was just lounging back drinking his soda and watching us fight with amusement. I looked back at the screen and focused on taking second place. 

" Well ever since Eli crossed the finish line for the third time." I said laughing at him. 

He whirled around at him and looked back and forth at the screen with bewilderment. I laughed at him. 

" You are going down. I don't care what I have to do, I will win this." He threw his wing up in front of my face to block my view. 

I could see it so I was still ahead of Hawks by a few inches on the screen.

Now that we started to reach the finishing line, I smirked and used the power up I had grabbed before we started the last turn.

 " Nope no you are not getting me with that again." He moved away from the single green shell. 

I blew lightly on his feathers to get them out of my face. He yanked them away so fast he almost flipped off the back of the couch if he had pulled them any faster. 

I laughed at him and he just smirked for some reason.

 " Hey let's make a deal. If you win this race, I will wear a chicken hat on my next hero patrol and dance around like a chicken in front of everyone, are happy with that?" He said sounding way too confident for what was happening on the screen. 

I nodded thinking of Batman and then Hawks doing the chicken dance wearing a chicken hat. It took all my self control just not to laugh at him. He held his hand out and I shook it knowing who was going to win. 

" Then if I win, hmm how bout you go on a date with me." He finished off. 

Eli started to choke on his water and laughed causing him to shoot water out his nose. He ended up laughing and holding his face to keep less water from falling on the floor.

 I froze up just thinking about it and my character slowed down enough to let Princess Peach fly by me to take second. At the end I just rolled slowly over the finish line. Eli died laughing at me at the end. 

"Hey, Eli, don't you have to go to school tomorrow?" Hawks questioned. 

He huffed and set down his controller. "Oh, you might need this" A little feather zipped over to him, settling in his open palm. It lifted off and went down a hallway with Eli following it. " Now when do we set that date? '' Hawks teased.

This one was all over the place sorry


Word count: 1272

Blood, Doves, and BonesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon