Lol what?

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"Wake her up!"

"She's sleeping."

"No, she's training to die."

"Shut up Liam."

I felt someone shake me.
"Hmm?" I groaned.

"Hey, wake up. There's someone here to see you."

I open my eyes and see Noah.
I instantly sat up. Mom? Dad?
A man in a black suit came in, along with ass hole. A.K.A Jarred.

"So this is the girl?" The guy in the black suit asked. He was African American and had sunglasses on for no reason.


"Hmmm. Alright. I'll take her."

"Wait what do you mean, "I'll take her"? Am I being sold?" I asked.

"Yep." Jarred smiled evilly. "I would love to keep you..." He kept the sentence hanging. He turns to the man.

"Okay, that'll be sixty thousand."

I watch as the man hands Jarred a big wad of money.
Is that how much my life was worth? Sixty thousand?

"Alright then, let's go." The guy in the black suit picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Hey! Put me down!" I started pounding at his back.

Jarred shook his finger. "Tsk tsk tsk. Bad girl." He then took out something that looked like one of those shots doctors gave you when you were younger and he inserted it in my neck.
Realizing what it is, I felt myself getting weaker and I blacked out.
"When is she going to wake up?"

"I don't know."

I woke up. I groaned. My head. Hangover? I'm pretty sure I didn't drink. I opened my eyes and saw 5 guys. One was the dude in the black suit and the other 4 were just hot.

Bad Diana! They friggin' bought you!

"Hey." A guy in brown hair said. He looked stronger than the others, buff, so I guess he was the "leader".

I looked around the room. One guy looked about 15, 16, with blonde hair and this other guy looked kind of like him except maybe 3 more years older. The third guy had long brown hair and looked about 18.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Um..." What was my name? Diana! Right.

"Diana." I mumbled.

"Okay Diana. Lets get to know each other. My name is Austin." He pointed at the browned haired guy. "That's Max." He pointed at the two blondes. "Nolan and Colton."
The guy in the suit left.

"Okaaay..." I just wanted to know why was I here. Was I a slave?

"You're going to help us rob banks." Austin said as if reading my thoughts.

My eyes widened. They were robbers!?
Um, no.
"I don't think so." I muttered.

Austin grabbed me by the neck. "Did I ask if you wanted to?" He growled.

I started choking. Jeez, he needs to calm his tits.

"Dude, you're going to kill her." Max said.

Austin let go and I started choking and wheezing.

"We are going to start next week." He walked away.

"Where am I?" I asked. "What am I doing here?"

"You're in New York. We bought you so you could help us rob banks." Max answered.

"But why?" I asked. I'm just a useless girl.

Kidnapped But Still Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now