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Hey, you should totally check out the song above. It totally fits this book! right? Enjoy ;) And yes, I know Wattpad won't allow you to watch it on here (if it does, then you are special). But please go check it out on YouTube or something. It's called 'Criminal' By Britney Spears.
We were driving to go rob another bank. Or should I say they were going to rob the bank.
"Okay, stop here." Austin said.
The truck stopped. Austin opened the door and helped me off.
"Wait... There is no bank." I said. This placed looked familiar.... Wait... I was home. The familiar trees and the seven-eleven. And I could see my house.
"Why are we here?" I asked.
Austin smiled at me sadly. "You can go home."
I looked at him and looked back at home. My home. My childhood.
"Bye Diana." He walked back to the car and climbed in. I heard the truck start.
They were letting me go. He was letting me go.
I heard them drive away. I finally snapped out of it.
I was home!
I screamed in happiness and started running back home. I reached the front door and started knocking. I was home!
The door opened. And there my mom was. Her eyes had bags underneath them.
Behind her was the dining table, and there were my other family members. My cousins, my aunts and uncles, dad, and my brother.
"Diana!" She screamed. She ran into my arms. "I love you honey! Never ever leave us like that! Come in honey!"
She pushed me inside.
My family members gave me hugs and cried.
I winced whenever someone hugged, my back hasn't fully healed yet.
I think I almost died when Uncle Nick hugged me. I may have felt a bone crack.
When everyone calmed down, my mom brought out food.
"Tell me honey, where were you?" She asked, placing chicken on her plate.
"I was kidnapped. And then sold."
"They let me go."
"They let you go? Do you mean you escaped?"
"No, they let me go." I said, taking a bite of my salad.
"Honey, you've changed so much. Did they even feed you?" She choked back her sobs.
"Mom, I'm here. That's all that matters." I smiled.
Our family left, and my parents were upstairs catching up on their sleep. My brother and I were washing dishes.
"Diana, what happened?" Gabe asked.
"Gabe, nothing. I'm okay."
"No you're not. I see you wince every time someone hugs you, or whenever someone accidentally brushes their hand across your back."
I looked at him. "I'm fine."
"Stop lying to me."
I sighed. If I showed my parents, they'd freak. They already went through too much.
"Diana, what'd they do to you?"
I turned off the water. "I..." I knew lying wouldn't help. It would make everything worser.
"The people that kidnapped me...the guy...he whipped me on my back."
He went behind me and lifted my shirt.
I heard him choke back sobs.
"Why...did t-they?"
"It was only a guy."
"Why'd he let you go?"
I sighed, and told him everything.
I sat up in my bed. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Austin. I want him to be here. I love him.
What could I do?
I went downstairs to get a snack since I had trouble falling asleep. I grabbed a bag of my favorite chips and went back to my bed.
Will I ever see him again?
"...robbers that have been caught....."
I ran down the stairs. Every morning, my parents would watch the news.
But what I just heard made my heart break.
And there he was, in the TV screen.
"...spending 5 years in jail..."
And I felt my heart crash. 5 years!?
I whimpered which caused my mom to turn around.
"Sweetie come over here." I sat next to her. "Today we're gonna go to the police. They want to ask you a few questions."
"I don't want to go there." I stated.
I knew I had to tell her. But if you told your own mother you were in love with a guy that bought you, you won't expect her to be all happy.
"Mom, I-I love him."
"Oh dear, I think you have Stockholm Syndrome."
"Mom, I don't have that!" I exclaimed.
I know I didn't. I just know it.
"Honey, that's what they all say." She said calmly.
I felt tears prick my eyes. "Mom, I know what true love is."
"This may seem harsh for you sweetie, but, you've never experienced real love."
"That's because you don't care about me!" I shouted. I've never in my life yelled or talked back to my mom. And I would never want to do that. But it feels like no one knows what I'm talking about. I know what love is.
My mom looked at her watch. "It's time to go."
"Hello ma'am, my name is Jeremiah." A big African American dude said. He sat in front of me.
"If my questions are a little too personal, you can go ahead and tell me to skip the question. Okay?"
I nodded my head.
"Alright. How did you get kidnapped and what were doing?"
"Well I was walking to seven eleven and I was in there when it happened. They saw me and took me."
"How many people were there."
"It says here that you've been sold?"
"Yes. To four other guys."
"Okay, we want to know if that these are the guys."
He handed me four pictures. My heart started racing. I looked at the pictures and that was them. Nolan, Colton, Max, and Austin.
I knew I couldn't lie, so I nodded my head.
"Alright. Tell me everything."
I told him the story, even telling him about my back.
"Can I see your back?"
I nodded and turned around. I lifted my shirt.
I heard him mumble something. I turned back around.
He sighed. "Alright then. Thank you."
He went away and I went to my mom's car.
"So how was it?" She asked, taking out a pack of gum.
"It was okay." But I knew it wasn't okay. I lost my lover. For 5 years.

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