Chapter Twenty

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Present Day – February 1867

Ride it like you stole it. Weston felt like he'd been doing that all his life; never staying put long enough to feel like anything in this world could belong to him. He was a lot like the horses that needed to run...he needed to stay free. But could he stay free and stay here? Still, he knew in his heart that if he left, he would never be free. Even without the bars around him, he knew loneliness could be a darker prison than any cell.

And he would never truly be free again...not now. Even if he ran now, his heart would stay and that meant he would always come back. A body can't live without their heart — it seemed the lady doctor, this ranch, and this life had become his.

Strange how so little time can change one's life so drastically.

He had no plans on being tied down here when he robbed that bank only two months prior...still one week was all it took for his heart to be completely invested.

That isn't was much quicker than that.

It only took one night.

One night for him to fall in love with a beautiful lady doctor.

He just hadn't admitted it to himself that he loved her from the first moment he saw her until just now...with her hair hanging loosely over her shoulders and the scent of Lemon Verbena reminding him of her dainty feminism. He had credited his initial reaction to the loss of blood. He knew things like that could make your head swim, too.

Though he decided telling the lady he loved her was not the wisest idea he least not at this present moment. There were far too many variables yet to be worked out and too many things that could go wrong. Plus, Barlow knew he needed a little time to sort out this new feeling he suddenly acknowledged he had. He was never good with feelings; they were far too messy. He learned a long time ago to bottle them up inside and remain silent. It was easier than having to find words to express what he himself had no understanding of.

That was normal, wasn't it? To not be in touch with his emotions...that was more of a woman's thing, right? He shifted in his seat as he pondered over the dilemma.

Say here and risk losing everything, go and still lose it, or turn himself in and pray she loved him enough to seemed like whichever way he chose, he'd still lose. His jaw locked as he thought on that. It seemed so unfair to finally find where he belonged just to get it taken away again. He knew his life hadn't been one to model after, but he wasn't really a bad man, was he?

Surely, he was not as bad as the stories made him out to be. If he were how could he love someone as kind and good as the lady physician? But the bigger question he had was if she loved him, too...

* * * *

  Sheriff Harvey Johnson slicked his hair back and adjusted his tie.

Is the tie too much? he wondered, suddenly questioning his choice of attire.

But it was too late to worry about such matters. He had already knocked on the door, and it was only a matter of moments before someone answered. He glanced at the box of chocolates in his hand. He hoped she liked them...he never knew what might be appropriate. He would have brought flowers if they were in bloom. His brow creased, what if she doesn't eat chocolate? Her waist is so tiny; she might not eat much of anything...

The door pried open, and an angelic face greeted him with a warm, but surprised smile.

"Why, Harvey Johnson...what brings you out here today? Rachel is out at the Henderson's farm, if that's who you're looking for."

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