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                              *Sapphire POV*

I've always been someone to play it safe in love, in life, in my education. Taking a leap means risking getting hurt. I usually say if I had to choose between planning a trip and going on a trip I would choose planning. Everything has to be organized. It has its place and that's how you don't forget anything and nothing seems to go wrong. Let's face it no one wants a girl that is broke and hurt.

I only said yes to this blind date because I owed Wren for the last time I bailed on not going with her to the bar. What can I say? I would rather stay home and watch Gilmore girl's replays with my girl Loulou, she is the best golden retriever anyone can ask for. Rather hang with her and a bowl of ice cream then any stupid boy. 

Damn Wren for making me actually have to socialize with the male species. I go to my closest and stare at it for a long while not feeling any desire to put on a dress or makeup or do my hair. Do you think Wren will let me go in my sweats and messy bun? The thought made me grin a bit seeing her come check on me only to say I'm going in sweats and a messy bun she would lose her mind. I settled on a light blue strappy, almost to my ankles dress. I go to the bathroom put on Brand new by Ben Rector might as well get pumped for this. I do my makeup and let down my short blonde hair and brush it seeing if I can do anything with this mess.

 Finally, thanks to some straightening magic I am able to make myself look well like I put some effort.

Shutting off the music I leave my room and head into the living room put Gilmore girls on and then get some of Loulou's food out I guess I'll actually be out late tonight. I fill her bowl up and glance up at the tv to see Lorelia and Emily walking down a runway in red suits dancing to the music awkwardly. They eventually lighten up. I must have been looking at the tv for some time I feels Loulou's paws on my back. she wants her food must be a hungry girl. "sorry girly here you go" I say as I put the bowl on the floor.

 I go sit on the couch maybe I can finish this episode. Before Wren shows up and bugs me to go on this blind date. I groan in exhaustion the night hasn't even started. I've been with friends since freshman year of college. She was a loudmouth party girl and I was the nerd in the front of the class that always asked questions. Let's just say we balance each other out. I'm laying halfway down the couch by the time I hear the doorbell ring. 

"It's open!! Unless your a robber or criminal then don't come in I have a viscous rabid dog" Loulou looks at me with her head turned to the side I put my finger to my mouth shhhing her

 "and I'm holding a frying pan so make good choices!" I shout not wanting to move off the couch. The door opens and I hear the lovely voice of Wren

 "Umm what the hell was that?" she says walking in, in her heels, skinny jeans, and an oversized t-shirt that most likely belongs to her boyfriend Jaxin of three years. He is captain of the water polo team.

Lets say Wren doesn't go to too many of his games, the humidity of the pool messes with her hair. But she is always waiting outside when he gets out with a sign and some type of other treat.

 They are still very cute together. I glance up at her " I was making sure you weren't a robber" I say looking back at the tv

" you said that Loulou was a viscous rabid dog and you had a frying pan" Wren replies crouching down and giving Loulou some good scratches behind her ears.

" I mean.. she could be and I do have a frying pan. It's not with me at the moment" I state sitting up a bit.

"but you don't have a rabid dog or a frying pan with you what happens if a robber did break in?" Wren goes on to say by this time I'm flipping over the blanket to try and find the remote it seems to have disappeared.

 "Well I guess you would have found my dead body on the couch but it was you instead soo it all worked out." I say getting off the couching and on my knees to see if it feel down somewhere.

 "What are you doing anyway?" Wren says giving me a curious look

" I seem to have lost the remote and I can't find it" I say flipping my head back up to look at her then standing to put the blanket away 

"You know it's right there on the coffee table" she says pointing to the plate that has the remote in it I turn around to find the remote in the plate

 "There it is finally!" I grab it and click the tv off knowing any moment she is going to remember the blind date she set me up on.

Wren took out her phone to check her messages only to see the time " Oh shit!! you have to be late!!" she says pushing my toward that door 

"Okay, Okay I'm going goodness" I say grabbing my converse and slipping them on only to get a dirty look from Wren 

"Your not wearing those it doesn't go with the dress at all" she says pointing to the slip dress I have on

 "I'm not wearing heels your lucky I'm even going on this date in the first place" I say tying up my shoes 

Wren groans "I know, I know your the greatest best friend ever" she says in a kind of sarcastic praising voice

 I look up at her and grin " yeah and don't you forget it" I say standing up and grabbing my keys Wren laughs

 "I could never" she says and goes to open the door she walks out into the hallway I'm right behind her I say bye to Loulou before I leave and shut the door to lock it.

"Okay let's get this over with" I say turning to walk down the stairs Wren is bouncing up and down with joy. 

"You're going to have so much fun" she says, clapping your hands together in glee. I hope she doesn't fall down the stairs again 

"okay okay let's go already please don't fall down the stairs again I can't deal with you groaning in pain. You were kind of mean too" I say, nudging her and laughing a bit.

Authors note: soo what's gonna happen on the first date? Please note this is my first story so be kind. If there is any spelling or grammar errors I did not spot pls feel free to point them out kindly. I do have dyslexia so keep that in mind. anyway on to the next chapter.

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