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  *Aster's POV*

I arrive at the restaurant its a nice place but I'm like fifteen minutes late I hope she doesn't mind there was accident on the freeway getting there I would call and tell her I was going to be late but I didn't have her number. So we will see how that goes over. I walk in and san the room it has dim lighting. its pretty crowed for a it being a Thursday night. I look around to see if I can find her.

Then a smaller figure bumps right into me. When she meets my eyes I can see her up closely, with her sparkling blue eyes, short blonde hair that is in loose waves to her shoulders, her long light blue dress that she decides to wear converse with, and short stature that doesn't even come up to my shoulders. She pushes past me "sorry I was just leaving" she says in almost quivery like voice in a hurry to get past me to the door. I couldn't let her go without catching her name. So I yell over to her before she can leave

"why are you in such a hurry to leave snowflake" she pause at the door then makes her way back to me standing maybe three feet away the calling her snowflake part kind of just slipped out she's so deacate and uquine. then she says something that kind of surprises me. "Because I got sick of waiting for this blind date that my friend set me up on" she says in a confident yet annoyed tone. Well I knew I was late but jeez. Deciding to play it off cool. "ahh why did your friend set you up on a blind date" I say wondering why she even agreed to go in the first place. "It doesn't matter its not happening again " she says in her snappy irritated tone. It only makes me want to egg her on more wanting to see her loose control more. "You don't have a filter do you snowflake?" I say teasing wondering what reaction I would get from her? " no I don't and don't call me snowflake" she says as she steps closer to me her vanilla perfume fills my nose. Its intoxicating I could get drunk off the scent. A dangerous game she decided to play good thing I never lose

I lean down "I don't know your name snowflake?" I say slowly five inches from her face she looks at me you can tell off her faces that I am really irking her " its Sapphire" she says as she takes a step away from me. I stand up straighter well there's more to you then what I originally thought. I look back at her she is looking back at me curiously probably because my face says it all I quickly respond

"Okay I'm still going to call you snowflake though" I say a smirk on my face can't get rid of the nickname that easily she is fuming but this point instead of saying anything she does a cute little angry storming out walk. I yell over to her again " You forgot to ask my name you know its only polite" figuring she may want to know I'm her blind date before exiting she just yells back "I didn't want to" as she walks out of the building I laugh out loud to myself at her response. I look toward the door a little longer seeing her outside pacing back and forth. I guess that little no filter thing is something new to her. I see the car pull up and watch make sure she got in safe.

When I see that has been accomplished I tur and head toward the bar. " I'll have a old fashioned stirred not shaken" I say to the bartender he brings over the drink fairly quickly I take a sip of it. as I look across the floor at all the people. There's this weird grandpa staring at me with sunglasses on and a scruffy beard. I bet he rides a motorcycle or something. I turn my head to the other side of the room its a bunch of girls out for drinks they all look like carbon copy's of another. I roll my eyes and look away

I turn back to the center of the room. As I take another sip a short brunette girl comes up to me she is pretty, long brown hair tumbling down her back, perky tits and a fake tan. " hey handsome what are you doing here alone" she coo's as she touch's my arm like a cat. I pull my arm away from her. "look sweetheart not interested run along now" I say dismissing her.

She looks up at me taken back a bit she huffs and turns on her heels, her hair flipping over her shoulder as she walks back to her friends. I turn back to the table and finish the drink. pay and start to walk out of the bar.

As I'm driving home I can't get her out of my head the way she stood her ground and wasn't afraid of me. How her sparkling blue eyes stared right into me. they really the mix of grey and blue I could get lost in them. How she looked when she was all irritated and wanted to punch me. There's something about her she intrigued me more then any girl ever has in a long time.

I need to see her again.

Authors note: Ahhhhh I am I the only one internally screaming. Gosh that first meet so adorable. Whose excited to see what happens next after the date? What is aster going to do? will they meet again soon? I loved writing the chemistry between these two it was so much fun. Okay, okay see you guys in the next chapter bye lovelies.

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