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                              *Wren's POV*

Warning: speaks of abuse, hitting, beating, and cursing

then Mars starts laughing we all turn to see her sitting on of the bleachers eating popcorn. "well don't stop on my account I'm Mars by the way" she says waving her hand up at Aster he just wave back sorta nodded at her. she then stands up grabbing the popcorn and walks over to me  and grabs my arm saying

 " come on I think Sap got this" I reluctantly go with her. leaving Sap alone with Aster. I am not happy just leaving her there with Aster who I will be having some words with Jaxin I swear I'm going to castrate that child.

I have no clue where Mars is taking me till the smell of butter and salt fills my nose. Ahh she brought me to the place where she got popcorn. We finally stop and Mars lets go of my arm she looks at me " you want some popcorn?" she asks me pointing to the machine behind her I just look at her

 "no I'm alright" I say crossing my arms over my chest and start tapping my foot impatiently

 "How long are we going to be over here" I say starting to pace around  the room Mars as sat down on the floor chriss cross

 " I don't know Sap will come and find us when she needs us." she says pretty casually I don't know how she is so calm I am pacing hoping everything is alright with Sapphire

 "why are you pacing?' Mars asks me I stop in my tracks and look over at her then respond

 " I don't really know its more so to help my nerves I guess I'm worried about Sap" I say sitting down next to her leaning back on my arms.

" You know Sap can handle herself" Mars replies back to me I know she is right ever since her and I have been friends I felt like I had to protect her from everything scary in the world. She has been through hell and back and still remains so pure I just don't want the world to take anything more from her.  Now I see her with Aster being the girl I knew she could be confident someone who stands her ground, someone I knew existed in her, a girl that I thought only existed with me. I am happy to share that person with the world even if its scary.

I finally reply to Mars "I know she can she always has been able to." I say smiling back at her she nods and leans her head on my shoulder we stay like that for a little bit. No one really saying anything. we hear distance laughing and flirting becoming louder and louder it sounds like a male and two females if we had to guess as the approach I recognize one voice and its one I have hoped to never hear again I get Mars off my shoulder and stand up very quickly 

"we need to get back to Sap and tell her to get out of here" I say pulling Mars up

 "what, why" she asks me I just grab her arm and yank her with me walking quickly the way we have came but its too late.

" Wren Ben is that you!" the male voice yells at me god I hated when he called me that name I turn slowly I thought I would never have to see his ugly face again his blonde hair is slicked back with gel and probably grease, he's still the same height I am 5'9 probably still pissed about it too. You can tell the drug addiction hasn't gone away. I reply 

" Hi Gravy" I say putting a very sarcastic smile on my face and walking closer to him.

"You know I hate it when you call me that" He says I shrug not really giving a flying fuck what he says.

" Oh well must have slipped out" I reply back to him he laughs his disgusting laugh then he looks over at Mars 

" well, well Wren have you given up on men already?" he says looking at Mars the whole time I don't even get the chance to reply before

 Mars says " watch you damn mouth you fucking disgusting pig" He gets really red and angry his clutches his fist so hard his knuckles are turning white. I mean go Mars but shit let's try not to piss this prick off. It could get ugly real soon. 

He gets real close to her face " watch that pretty little mouth of yours before I make it so you can't even move that mouth" he say looking her dead in the eye 

I get between then two and shove with all my strength him away from her. "What are you even doing here?" I ask  he takes like three or four steps back with a big grin on his face you can tell he's enjoying this.

 " oh you haven't heard I fight here bitch" he says putting his hands up in victory like he is such a badass

 "oh good I'm glad grown men get to knock you on your ass for money" I say laughing a bit he walks up to me getting real close and then slaps me across the face it burns like a motherfucker I hold my cheek Mars steps in front of me towering over this little child and stomping very hard on his food then swinging her elbow at his nose he stumbles back groaning in pain 

 "Go back to the damn place you crawled out of " She shout at him. 

 " okay, okay I'll go oh but before I do let Sapphire know I miss her dearly and I will get her back" he says laughing still clutching his nose  then walking back to his sluts wrapping both arms around their waist. Finally leaving.

Mars look over at me "are you okay? I can't believe he did that " she says inspecting my cheek I just nod this wasn't the first time he laid hands on me, what he did to Sap was way worse then some of the beatings I would get from him.

" I have a good feeling that was Sap's ex" Mars says

"yeah it was its not really my place to tell you the full story its more so Sapphire's" I say moving my hand away from my cheek

" yeah of course she only really told me the gust of it not the whole story though" she says looking around for an ice pack

" I'm sure she will right now we need to get Sapphire out of the place" I say standing up. whiping the small tears forming in my eyes.   

Authors note: Wow soo what did we think reading this from wrens perspective should I add more of these? I know this chapter was kind of dark but I think it really gave you more of a glimpse into Sapphires past and what she went through. Overall Wren is a bad bitch, Mars is a bad bitch and Sapphire she's of course a BAD BITCH!!  okie that's all till next time lovies

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