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*Sapphires POV*

Flashback: "what did you do?" he asks me with a huge smile on his face as I run to go grab his gift. It's the two year anniversary of our relationship. I rushed into the bedroom to grab the watch I got him. It took me so long to save up to buy for him. I know how much he has been wanting it. I knew it was perfect for tonight. As I am walking back looking down at the gift in my hand. Honestly admiring and excited for how he is going to react I wasn't looking where I was going and my arm hit the vase as I was walking into the living room it fell to the floor and smashed into a million pieces. I am so embarrassed I put the gift on the counter and I start to pick up the pieces. cutting my finger in the process. Gavin rushes over but not for what I thought, No not to help me.

" God Dammit Sapphire are you stupid you're always so damn clumsy. You broke the vase that you knew my mother gave me that is a family heirloom" he starts yelling at me

" I talked about this multiple times look where you going for god sake didn't your mother teach you that " he says running his hand through his hair in a small voice I respond

" I.. I am sorry I didn't mean to I was just excited to give you your gift " he just looks down at me in disgust and disappointment.

" All I am asking is for you to be more careful next time." he says in a calm voice and with that walks away leaving me to clean up the mess all by myself.

Flashback ends:

That was the first time I saw his true colors. It gave me a sense of what my life would be for the next two years, that time it wasn't with actions it was simply with words. Funny thing is many women think that when a relationship is toxic and abusive that it is always like that but they don't understand that they feed you before they starve you because starving people will eat anything.

" Grab your bags, you're going to come and stay with me." he says

snapping me out of my daydream that was more of a nightmare then a dream

looking at him like he had said that it was raining unicorns and he was shitting rainbows

"no" I say to him

"Yes you are, you can't stay here it's not safe and all your friends are asleep or drunk or god knows what so you're staying with me for tonight." he says in a stern voice looking at each other dead in the eye no one daring to break eye contact.

(the intense look they gave each other)

Who does he think he is? Gosh

"I'm sorry but no you didn't ask me nicely so no I will not stay with you I will stay in a hotel thank you very much use your manners next time" I shoot back at him

he laughs a little bit with a sexy small grin on his face and replies " oh that's why you're upset because I didn't say please snowflake? Or are you just scared to be in a space alone with me for a long period of time?"

scrunching my eyebrows and puckering my lips, narrowing my eyes at him " You are dead wrong maybe I just don't want to be near you at all?" I say which is a shit excuse for my body betraying me like ten minutes ago.

He rubs his chin then takes a step closer to me.

" That's not what you were saying ten minutes ago, you're not staying in some shit hotel that would not be safe, you're staying with me even if I have to carry you out of here kicking and screaming I will." he says to me.

I take a step closer, we are nose to nose " you wouldn't dare" I challenge looking up at him, he smiles at me and then bends down and throws me over his shoulder. I am shocked, kicking and hitting his back.

" Put me down Aster" I yell at him

" no can do snowflake" he says to me picking up my bag looking around to see if there was anything else

" Call your girl, I don't want to leave her here, where's her leash and some of her food? " Aster asks me looking over at Lulu

" Fine her leash is in the drawer and her food is in the cupboard on the top shelf so she can't jump to get it "

He walks over to the drawer with me still flung over his shoulder. Takes the leash out and then goes to the cupboard and grabs her food putting it into a separate bag he must have found laying around somewhere.

" Can you put me down please" I say to him my ribcage getting sore from being over his shoulder.

" I don't know if I put you down your not gonna kick me in the balls and run away are you?" he asks me

" Well I wasn't planning on it but after you gave me that brilliant idea I just might take you up on it. " I respond back to him

" well then I can't let you down snowflake" he says turning to hook Lulu up to her leash

" fine fine I won't run away just put me down" I say to him

After like two seconds of him thinking about it he grudgingly agrees. Sliding me down the front of his body when my feet touch the ground. I look back up at him, his arms still around my waist, our eyes meet again only for a second but in that second my heart skips a beat. Then he steps away grabbing the bag with Lulus food and hands me her leash.

Before heading out to his car I looked around at the apartment making sure I didn't miss anything. Aster is at the door waiting for me to go with him.

I turn around and walk toward the door to meet him I walk out into the hallway and aster cloese the door behind me, then puts his hand on the small of my back and there we walk down the stairs to his car.

Authors note: Okay okay this took a stupid amount of time to come out I know. I am very sorry. I hope everyone is having an amazing summer. I have been very busy working and getting sunburned haha. stay safe lovies see you guys next chapter also this will be the last chapter for part one. Part two is coming soon. It will be together, don't worry Sapphire and Aster aren't going anywhere.

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