chapter 5

106 5 5

Anna's pov:

I've finally woke up from the coma I had fallen into.

My parents came rushing to me, and explained how I was in a coma for 3 days.

It's not so bad, but I've missed a lot.

After having a few more check ups,  Ive finally made it home with my parents, and they suddenly stopped caring.

"uhm.. Mom dad? Don't you even car ether fact I got in a car crash, and fallen into a coma for three days??" I said.

"oh that? That all was just an act silly!" my mother said.

I felt angry, at first I thought they would finally start caring about me.

I stayed silent because I didn't want to start a fight especially when I just got home.

I went to my room and locked it, and fell on my bed.

I opened my phone to see my friends texting in the group chat, I've decided to say hi.


In the group chat:

Emma: I've wasted all my money on boba :')

Anna: uhm, funny story, and yes hello I've woken up from my slumber.


ray: bruh ofc she is,  she was in a coma like how would she be texting us.

Norman: welcome back Anna :)

Don: hello-

Gilda: you've finally awakened from your slumber.

Anna: so did I miss anything-

Ray: oh yes you definitely did- I mean you definitely didn't.

Emma: bruh.

Gilda: ^

Norman: ^

Don: ^

Anna: chile, anyways so.

Gilda: it was only your first day back to school but you already got in a car crash.

Anna: I know.



Anna: but seriously author Chan! Why so soon!?

Ray: Yeah you make literally cringe chapters.

Emma: I love the ship but fix your story girl!

Norman: I agree.

Gilda & Don: Norman you agree everything with Emma.

Norman: shut up!

OKAY OKAY! I get it, I didn't know what I was writing until I read it okay!?

So get back to the story so I can fix this mess!


Emma: by the way Anna,  you missed some subjects your supposed to learn for the upcoming test.

Ray: true, don't worry Gilda got notes down for you.

Gilda: that's right girly I got your back.

Anna: thanks guys! :)

Norman: np

Don: I have some extra homework to finish so I better get going before my mom scolds at me again-

Others: same-

Anna: kk, see y'all later next week?

Emma: yep!! See ya guys!

Norman: byee.

Ray: right night.

Don: see you guys next week!

Gilda: baii!!

Everyone is offline-



I got out off my bed and went to grab my guitar that was a gift from Emma and the others..

I started playing some random notes looking through social media to look for some hate comments.


Because I wanted to make a song out off mean comments since I'm bored.

After a few hours..

I've finally finished..

Time to try singing it.

( sub to madilyn bailey ✨)

(skip to end off the song.)

I love it! Maybe I should send a recording to the group chat of this song...

I opened up my phone and went to chats and linked the recording.

Now all I do is wait..

I closed my phone and went to the shower and grabbed my pajamas too and prepared the shower just like the way I like it.

I hopped in and got out after a couple of minutes and changed into my pajamas.

I went to my bed and layed there for a few minutes waiting for my self to fall asleep.

Then someone texted me.

It was ray, why is he texting me?


Ray: Anna,  I know this might sound weird, but do you still have the link to the song you recorded and shared in the group chat?

Anna: yes... Why?

Ray: well uhm... If you don't mind can I have that link, the song you wrote kind-of helped me fall asleep.

Anna: oh.

Anna: okay then... *sends link*

Ray: thanks.. Good night.

Anna: right.. Goodnight.


He did it again..

What is wrong with me..?

Why is my heart pounding again??


I should just sleep.

I slowly close my eyes and started to fall asleep.



but still I'm tired I'm literally in bed rn.


Ella out!

'•~Music To The Finals~•' (mostly ray x Anna) (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now