Chapter 18

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So so so so so so so so SORRY that I have taken forever to get this chapter up. What, almost two weeks? I am ashamed of myself. I've been extremely busy with life. Sometimes it gets in the way of everything. Sigh...

Anyways, this chapter IS a little more graphic. PG-13 material. Nothing too bad though, so I hope I don't give any nightmares tonight. And, hey! Guess who's story is almost over!!!

Yeah, this one...

Chapter 18

Step One :

Breathe. Imagine it's not happening. It's not happening. It can't be. Ryder isn't dead. He can't be dead. Our lost, beaten puppy can't be dead.

Step Two: 

Listen. Liam spoke with a mumble as he explained the Second Cuban Missile Crisis. The Booster. How Ryder had been fighting the pain to care Liam to safety. How he'd lost that beaten look for the true knight in shining armor one.

Step Three:

Try not to cry. Don't think about Ryder as Liam and Nova describe the last moments of his life.

Step Four:

Fail at Step Three.

By the time I was aloud to sleep, I couldn't. I settled into the cold cabin of the helicopter, snuggled between the sprawled out, still asleep Gunner and the passed out Nova. The story of his heroic dying haunted me. All I could think about was the noble death of Ryder, trying hard to keep that lump away far down in my throat.

The only one still awake was Liam, but I doubted he wanted to be. His eyes were dark and had hollow rings around them. His once lively, clownish mood had died with Ryder.

The helicopter suddenly lurched to the side, throwing me out of my seat and hitting the floor with a face plant. I heard the crack of my nose, and winced. The taste of blood hit me hard. 

Aaron helped me stand, now fully awake. Nova was too, but he was rushing to the cockpit to ask what was going on. Before he got there, we were thrown to ground yet again. This time Gunner, who had been asleep through this whole mess, fell to the floor and started cursing. 

Nova threw open the cockpit door, before glancing back at Aaron. His eyes were wild with fear and anger. "We have a problem!"

"What is it, Nova?" Aaron growled, tossing Liam and I a backpack. I turned it over, before seeing the hooks. "Well? Put it on!"

I did as told, sliding the parachute on, before helping Gunner with his. He was cursing furiously at it. "Quit." I growled at him and his stunning eyes fell on me. He was back to his normal, bipolar self. I gave him a fierce look, strapping the belt together. 

"Pilot's dead?" I heard Liam yelp, before straining my eyes to see Aaron in the darkness. He was nodding. Another explosion made flashing red emergency lights flicker off and on, and the helicopter started to rock and spin.

Aaron threw open the side door, a burst of wind pushing us back. "War actually broke out," He informed, grabbing hold to the handle. I shuddered at the force and speed of the air swirling around us.

Then he turned to us. "Find a safe place to land! Then go to the Sandiez Airport!" He shouted over the dying helicopter rotars. "Be careful! We're in the midst of a battle zone. There are PLSTR teams in the sky and mortars down below. Cubans and American forces both are on the ground!" He tossed Gunner a spare gun, and I saw his face light up. The gun looked like nothing I'd ever seen, but Gunner was grinning like it was his birthday.

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